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28 October 2024 , 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Testo evento

On Monday, October 28, 2024, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., an event entitled “Impact of Climate Change on the Environment and Migration” will be held in Room 3A, Building D on the University of Trieste campus.

Climate change has and will have an increasing impact on our Planet, from melting glaciers to sea level rise, changes in coastal profiles, and extreme events.

Gianrossano Giannini, Gianni Tartari and Silvia Di Gennaro, Ambassadors of the European Climate Pact and members of EuCliPa. IT APS; Fabio Raicich, CNR - ISMAR, Trieste; and Raffaela Cefalo, lecturer in Topography and Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing courses at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste, will talk about climate change risks and their impact on the environment and migration from Third World countries; illustrate how instantaneous sea level measurements are performed and analyzed; and present some applied case-study applications of geo-spatial technologies in the field of environmental emergency management.


17:30 Introductions and brief Introduction
17:40 Screenings from the film “Hijos del hielo,” Colombia with Italian subtitles
18:00 The risks of climate change - Prof. Gianrossano Giannini
18:15 The impact of climate change on migration - Prof. Gianni Tartari, Prof. Silvia Di Gennaro
18:45 Measurement of sea level - Dr. Fabio Raicich
19:00 Geo-spatial technologies for monitoring environmental emergencies - Prof. Ing. Raffaela Cefalo
19:15 Screening of the film “Bocachico,” Colombia (14') with Italian subtitles
19:30 Conclusions and Questions from the audience

Edited by GeoSNav Lab UNITS in collaboration with CNR-ISMAR, EuCliPa.IT and Tierra Magica Colombian Association.
