25 May 2024 , 10 - 11 am Testo evento On Saturday, May 25, 2024, from 10 to 11 a.m., at the Trgovski Dom in Gorica, a lecture entitled "History, Progress, Continuity and Territory: The Gorica SID Explained, 35 Years Since its Founding" will be held as part of "èStoria", an International History Festival that has been done in Gorica every year for the past 20 years.On the occasion of the Centenary of the University of Trieste, we also celebrate the 35th birthday of the Gorizia Pole and the birth of the course "International and Diplomatic Sciences". Historical excursus of the course and the stories of a long-time professor and one of the first students of the Polo: prof. Diego Abenante, coordinator of the degree course, and Ezio Benedetti, one of the first "Siddini" (students of International and Diplomatic Sciences), will be speakers. Allegati Document Locandina 25 maggio 2024 Document Locandina