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Sat, Jun 8 2024, 12 - 1:30pm
Testo evento

The Health Humanities open badge 2024 course, which has seen extraordinary success in enrollment and participation, comes to an end. The course is the result of a now long-standing collaboration and sharing of research and teaching topics between the Department of Humanities and the Department of Medical Sciences with others at the territorial, national and international levels and responds to a profound need of our present. Indeed, it aims to enhance the contribution of the humanities to the practices of care.

The 2024 Open Badge Pathway will conclude on Saturday, June 8, 2024 with a lecture open to the public titled “Autonomy or What Relationship for the Care Pathway?” given by Fulvio Longato, Professor of the History of Philosophy, in dialogue with dr. Lorenzo Cociani, a primary care physician engaged in various fields related to the care relationship. The lecture will be held in the Aula Magna at 3 Montfort Street from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
