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Wed, Mar 27 2024, 6 - 7pm
Immagine evento
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Testo evento

The next Professions Deep Dive will take a closer look at aspects of the nursing profession. We will host Sara Dentice, a UniTS graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and Master's degree in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, who also works as a nurse at the local Health Services (ASUGI).

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 27th March 2024, at 18:00, on Microsoft Teams.

Sara Dentice will speak about:

- The value of master's degree training for a nurse.

- The first work experience she undertook after graduating from UniTS.

- How collaboration with other health professionals takes place in day-to-day work.

- Necessary expertise and soft skills.

- Useful tips for staying up-to-date and coping better with the work of a nurse.

- A Q&A.

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