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13 December 2024 , 3 - 5 pm
Testo evento

On Friday 13 December 2024, at 3.00 p.m., at Bachelet Lecture Hall, Central Building A (left wing, first floor) of the campus in Piazzale Europa 1, the Conference "Il Diritto penale fallimentare in trasformazione “ (Bankruptcy Criminal Law in Transformation ) and the presentation of the volume by Francesco Mazzacuva ”Bancarotta e crisi d'impresa. Giustificazione e limiti dell'intervento penale nelle nuove procedure concorsuali’, Giappichelli, Turin, 2024, will take place.

Institutional greetings:

Prof. Gian Paolo Dolso, Director of the IUSLIT Department, University of Trieste

Cons. Dr. Andrea Odoardo Comez, Territorial Referent of the SSM

Lawyer Alessandro Cuccagna, President of the Bar Association of Trieste

Lawyer Sabina Della Putta, President of the Criminal Chamber of Trieste

Coordinated by Dr. Nicola Recchia, University of Trieste

Discussing with the author:

Prof. Massimo Bianca, University of Trieste

Prof. Enrico Mario Ambrosetti, University of Padua

Prof. Maria Novella Masullo, University of Foggia

Dr. Gherardo Minicucci, University of Udine

The conference is organised by the Department of Legal, Language, Interpretation and Translation Sciences IUSLIT of the University of Trieste. All information in the attachment below.
