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29 November 2024 , 9 am - 5 pm
Sede evento
Main Hall, 3rd floor, Building A, Piazzale Europa Campus
Testo evento

The University of Trieste will host a conference dedicated to the Citizens' Electronic Health Record and the National Health Data Ecosystem entitled ‘FSE 2.0 and EDS: Technological Evolution, Cybersecurity and Data Protection’.

The event, promoted by the National Association of Privacy Information Healthcare Managers (APIHM) in collaboration with the University of Trieste, will be held on Friday 29th November in the Main Hall of Building A (Piazzale Europa Campus) from 9:00 to 17:00

This conference represents an important opportunity for experts in the field to discuss application issues relating to the processing of health data, including for research purposes, while fully respecting citizens' rights.

The event is particularly important in this region, which has the largest centralised health data pool in Italy and perhaps in Europe. The University of Trieste has involved the fields of Medicine, Clinical Engineering and Mathematics, but also Law and all those who deal with and are interested in health data.

Speakers include Luigi Montuori, Director of the Health and Research Department of the Italian Data Protection Authority, Cinzia Teodori of the Ministry of Health, former Directorate General for Digitisation, Health Information System and Statistics, and Giuseppe Panarello, Head of the FVG Region Postal Police. 

The conclusions of the event will be presented by Graziano De Petris, APIHM Vice-President and Healthcare DPO, who will offer a perspective on the future directions of healthcare innovation and data protection.

The initiative is sponsored by the local health services (ASUGI), the National Association of Surgeons and Dentists, the National Association of Lawyers, the Italian Association of Information Systems in Healthcare, the Italian Association for Information Security (CLUSIT) and the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers.

For further information and registration, please contact or visit
