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Tue, May 21 2024, 2 - 4pm
Sede evento
Ex Ospedale Militare - via Fabio Severo 40, Trieste. Secondo piano - spazio coworking
Testo evento

Cluster Reply, a Reply Group company specialising in consulting services and systems integration on Microsoft technologies, presents itself at the University of Trieste with its technologies and open positions in the company.

Event’s programme, organised in collaboration with UniTS C-Lab:

  • 14.00 Discovering Cluster Reply
  • 14.30 HoloLens Demo: AI for Industrial Spatial Computing (more info below)
  • 14.50 Testimony of Luca Filippi (former student of the University of Trieste)
  • 15.00 Discover open positions in Cluster!
  • 16.30 Aperitif & Networking

The HoloLens Demo is open to all and the focus will be on AI and Spatial Computing, concepts that are no longer futuristic, but tangible realities that are revolutionising the manufacturing industry. The adoption of these technologies is a fundamental step towards creating increasingly efficient, sustainable and competitive solutions for this sector.

tudents who demonstrate interest and competence during the Demo will have the opportunity to discover open positions and the chance to join the Cluster Reply team, contributing directly to the development and implementation of cutting-edge solutions in the manufacturing & retail sector.

REGISTRATIONS by Sunday 19th May

For further information

040 2465198