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30 October 2024 , 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Testo evento

Living HUB “HALL - room of TIME”

Wednesday, October 30, 5:30 p.m.

SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies

Via Bonomea 265, Trieste, Room 128-129

Hall 5:30 p.m. guest reception
Promenades architecturales
by Valentina Rodani

to follow, room 128-129
by and with Sara Alzetta
Emanuele Laterza on guitar

With the intention of breaking down the distance between scientific and humanistic culture, a “lecture”-show arrives at SISSA that will shed light on some of the mysteries of the “Trieste city of Science.”
Relating to man and still to man the dimension of the habitability of the planet, this question will be addressed, beyond the usual current clichés and stereotypes, with irony and grace and with the simple technology of words, gestures and musical accompaniment. Suitable for all genders and ages.

ABITARE HUB, in the wake of the dialogue between disciplines long traced by Stazione Rogers, is a review articulated in 7 rooms (Hall, Living, Kitchen, Bath, Library, Bedroom, Study) corresponding to 7 thematic areas such as Health, Architecture, Environment, Psychophysical Wellbeing, Artificial Intelligence and Cosmos, which, constituting the HUB, host high-profile events. In addition to Rogers Station, the host and driving force behind all events, the dislocation of these includes ICTP and SISSA in Trieste, the archaeological areas of Aquileia; the University Pole of the Trieste Athenaeum in Gorizia, the Center Noor-dung in Vitanje in Slovenia, and the Polo Alto Adriatico in Pordenone in phygital. Interaction with places finds compendium in a series of “promenades architecturales” led by scholars and experts, animated by artists, actors and musicians.

ABITARE HUB - promoted project organized by E.N. Rogers Station, scientific direction: Giovanni Fraziano. Produced with the contribution of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in partnership with: University of Trieste SISSA International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste ICTP International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico, Pordenone Center of Space Technologies Herman Potočnik Noordung, Vitanje, Slovenia.
