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Sun, May 26 2024, 8 - 9:30pm
Sede evento
Church of Madonna del Mare, Piazzale Rosmini (Trieste)
Testo evento

On Sunday, 26th May, at 20:00, the Church of the Madonna del Mare in Piazzale Rosmini will host a concert entitled ‘Armonie di Primavera’ (Spring Harmonies), featuring the Choir and Orchestra of the University of Trieste conducted by Riccardo Cossi. The vocal and instrumental ensemble Gruppo Incontro will be conducted by Rita Susovsky.

The programme is a tribute to the French composer Gabriel Fauré on the 100th anniversary of his death and will feature a performance of the Requiem op. 48 for soloists, choir, organ and orchestra. Soloists will include Serena Arnò (soprano) and Jacopo Berti (baritone), and Michela Sabadin will be the organist.

The concert will be dedicated to the memory of Maurizio Fermeglia, Rector Emeritus of the University of Trieste, a university professor and scholar of international acclaim. He sadly lost his life prematurely last February 25th and during his career promoted and supported the birth of the choir and orchestra at the University of Trieste.

The UniTS Choir and Orchestra wish to express their profound gratitude to the Rector Emeritus, who suddenly passed away recently. They will do so through the dedication of the concert, which is taking place together with the Gruppo Incontro of which Fermeglia had been a member in his youth.

The event is organised in collaboration with the Accademia Organistica Tergestina and with the contribution of the University of Trieste.

Admission is free.