14 September 2024 , 4:30 - 5:30 pm Testo evento On Saturday, September 14, 2024, at 4:30 p.m., at Lido di Staranzano (GO), for Ecopark Association - AESON ATLAS Project, the T.E.T.R.I.S.S. Cultural Square presents:“33 Cards - of Navigation: Readings from the Edge of the Sea”Thirty-three translations on the theme of the sea: words of poets and prose writers, and togetherpaintings by (not only) Russian artists, alternate in the polyphony of QC T.E.T.R.I.S.S.like waves on the shoreline, for a reading from the confines of an inner ocean.“As the sails take refuge in the sea” (A. Achmatova).Thirty-three microtexts (33 like the graphemes of the Cyrillic alphabet) adapted in the formof original “Cultural Cards” (which will be produced with Modiano Carte da Gioco eAffini S.p.A.) punctuate visual rhythms, spontaneous entanglements, suggestivesemiotics.Ideal postcards from the past to us. 33 navigational charts beyond the boundaries oftranslation - interlinguistic, intersemiotic, interdisciplinary: foran operation of 'cultural salvation' that arises within a competencespecific but becomes the voice of a common urgency - aesthetic that is, ethical.Because translation, “the language of Europe” (U. Eco), is “antithetical to war” (A.Priest); because translation (J. Brodsky) “is the mother of all civilization.” Becausetranslation is “the experience of boundaries and their overcoming” (V. Machlin).Between reflections of verbal waves, an original homage to the “free elementprimordial” and the ‘sun of Russian poetry’: a semiotic cosmos of sounds,images, objects; a kaleidoscope of viewpoints - of words and silences.“Because the sea - it is mutual” (M. Cvetaeva).The event is part of the activities of the Cultural Square T.E.T.R.I.S.S. [Texts and Translations: Research + Inventions of Signal Systems], IPS-TM Project of the IUSLIT UniTS Department funded by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia - Notice Creativity 2023 (resp. scient. prof. Margherita De Michiel).Contact: qctetriss@gmail.com - www.qctetriss.com Allegati Document Locandina Document Programma