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Course overwiew

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5 years
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Credits (CFU/ECTS)

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Ministry Class



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open access with preparation test


The single-cycle degree in Law consists of a five-year study program structured into twenty-eight exams, with the addition of two qualifying exams in computer science and English language. The curriculum aims to provide students with a solid foundation, starting with subjects of historical and philosophical nature, alongside institutional courses (such as Constitutional Law and Private Law Institutions), and then progressing to highly diversified courses aimed at learning law in its various substantive (e.g., Criminal Law, Labor Law, Commercial Law, Administrative Law) and procedural aspects (Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure), with particular attention to the international and supranational dimensions. In the fifth year, students have the freedom to customize their study plan by choosing, from a wide range of annually updated offerings, three complementary courses and one optional course. The degree program also offers numerous complementary activities (such as seminars, exercises, workshops, internships, and moot court simulations) aimed at deepening and refining legal preparation, also from a practical perspective.

The academic year is divided into two teaching periods (October - December and March - May), each consisting of a limited number of courses to follow. Each course involves traditional frontal teaching sessions, often accompanied by various seminar activities designed to actively engage students, encouraging them to engage in oral and written presentations of the topics covered, as well as to analyze case law and solve practical cases (moot court). Every year, during the teaching period, conferences and lectures are organized, with the participation of not only Italian and foreign professors but also prominent professionals from the world of work. Study and enhancement workshops are also promoted. Great attention is paid to international mobility, with pathways agreed upon with various European universities. The particular structure of the degree program, the constant attention to the relationship between educational credits and the extent of the course programs, as well as the high number of exam sessions - 8 sessions per year - allow students to graduate within the five-year timeframe.


For information on the application and the required documents, please visit the dedicated section.

For more details on requirements, preparation verification, and admission procedures, visit the course's website.

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