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Vai a Innovator Community Lab unveiled: will train innovation entrepreneurs
Finale CLab 2024
Innovator Community Lab unveiled: will train innovation entrepreneurs
The Contamination Lab is evolving into a new project with an international focus: the announcement was made during the awards ceremony for the most innovative entrepreneurial projects developed this year by UniTS students
Vai a FVG Metalworking Observatory presented: UniTS Scientific Partner
FVG Metalworking Observatory presented: UniTS Scientific Partner
In the future, businesses in Friuli Venezia Giulia will increase the geographical diversification of their export and supply markets, surpassing the Italian average
Vai a EUT participates in ‘Più libri più liberi’ 2024
EUT participates in ‘Più libri più liberi’ 2024
EUT will be among the 597 exhibitors at the National Small and Medium Publishing Fair to present its new publishing
Vai a First PHD Innovation Award: the winners
First PHD Innovation Award: the winners
La prima edizione premia cinque Dottori di Ricerca con tesi di eccellenza
Vai a A UniTS wave of blue at Telethon 2024
Il prorettore vicario Valter Sergo al via della prima frazione Telethon
A UniTS wave of blue at Telethon 2024
300 runners representing all components of the academic community participated in the traditional charity run. Pro-rector Sergo ran in the first fraction
Vai a Red Bull Basement: UniTS PhD student Andrea Berti wins the Italian final
Red Bull Basement: UniTS PhD student Andrea Berti wins the Italian final
Developed with teammate Andrea Miotto, the idea of a sodium hybrid engine surpasses 4,000 competitors
Vai a UniTS at UNCCD COP16: the only Italian university at the Riyadh summit on combating desertification
UniTS at UNCCD COP16: the only Italian university at the Riyadh summit on combating desertification
The university will be represented by Claudia Cherubini of the MIGE Department
Vai a Donelli guest at Somalia National University: first lecture by a visiting professor since the beginning of the civil war
Federico Donelli a Mogadiscio presso la SNU
Donelli guest at Somalia National University: first lecture by a visiting professor since the beginning of the civil war
UniTS continues its commitment in the field of international cooperation. It has received great appreciation from Italian diplomacy
Vai a The use of psychotropic substances discovered in ancient Egypt
Vasi Egitto
The use of psychotropic substances discovered in ancient Egypt
The discovery redefines the understanding of ancient Egyptian spirituality and underlines the importance of innovative and multidisciplinary approaches in archaeological science