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Vai a New imaging system with fluorinated contrast agents: study in PNAS
laurini pricl
New imaging system with fluorinated contrast agents: study in PNAS
Sabrina Pricl and Erik Laurini of the Department of Engineering and Architecture among the authors of the study
Vai a Arte and UniTS: Thursday 20th June 'Sunset Talk' at San Giusto Castle
Talk tramonto 20giu24
Arte and UniTS: Thursday 20th June 'Sunset Talk' at San Giusto Castle
Free entrance
Vai a INAF - UNITS study 'catches' relativistic winds from a quasar
INAF - UNITS study 'catches' relativistic winds from a quasar
Vai a ART RELATIONSHIPS SERSE / SEDMACH: UniTS is showing two new exhibitions by the two great artists
ART RELATIONSHIPS SERSE / SEDMACH: UniTS is showing two new exhibitions by the two great artists
Until 15 September, Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 19:00, free admittance
Vai a Fincantieri: UniTS piange il Presidente Claudio Graziano
Fincantieri: UniTS piange il Presidente Claudio Graziano
Il rapporto dell'ateneo con il colosso cantieristico è strettissimo
Vai a "Best paper under 40" awarded to DIA PhD student Camilla Venturini
"Best paper under 40" awarded to DIA PhD student Camilla Venturini
‘Best paper under 40’ Award
Vai a UniTS lights up red to celebrate 160 years of the Italian Red Cross
UniTS lights up red to celebrate 160 years of the Italian Red Cross
La CRI opera per l'assistenza sanitaria e sociale
Vai a iNEST: Almost 5.5 million euros for technology transfer to benefit businesses
Spoke 9 inest
iNEST: Almost 5.5 million euros for technology transfer to benefit businesses
Second tranche of calls from Next Generation EU-funded program on PNRR funds
Vai a Bloomsday 2024: le iniziative UniTS in programma
grafica ufficiale Bloomsday 2024
Bloomsday 2024: le iniziative UniTS in programma
Dal 14 al 16 giugno ritorna la manifestazione dedicata all'Ulisse di James Joyce