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Vai a Eliminating violence against women: a week of initiatives promoted by the Equal Opportunities Committee
scarpette rosse per la giornata internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne
Eliminating violence against women: a week of initiatives promoted by the Equal Opportunities Committee
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, UniTS renews its commitment to the issue: ‘Seat Taken’, degree prizes, themed seminars and awareness-raising events aimed at citizens are on the agenda
Vai a Vitiligo Week: free dermatological consultations in Trieste on 26th and 28th November
Vitiligo Week: free dermatological consultations in Trieste on 26th and 28th November
UniTS promotes the initiative launched by SIDeMaST, Italian Society of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Vai a Retirement of Prof. Roberto Luzzati, Coordinator of the Degree Program in Medicine and Surgery: UniTS's Gratitude
Retirement of Prof. Roberto Luzzati, Coordinator of the Degree Program in Medicine and Surgery: UniTS's Gratitude
An example of excellence for the University of Trieste
Vai a Healthcare Assistance at the Gorizia Campus: The First Professionals Graduated in the Region
Lauree Assistenza Sanitaria
Healthcare Assistance at the Gorizia Campus: The First Professionals Graduated in the Region
The Bachelor’s Degree in Health Care was inaugurated in 2021/2022 to respond to the growing demand for professionals in the field of prevention and the promotion of health
Vai a Byzantine numismatics: UniTS together with Princeton, Oxford and Dumbarton Oaks for data digitisation
Byzantine numismatics: UniTS together with Princeton, Oxford and Dumbarton Oaks for data digitisation
The University will make available the experience gained in designing and implementing a platform for the cataloguing of Byzantine coins
Vai a World Diabetes Day: UniTS lights up blue
WDD 2024
World Diabetes Day: UniTS lights up blue
The theme chosen this year, ‘Diabetes and Wellbeing’, emphasises the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the management and prevention of this disease
Vai a Trapping single metal atoms in the graphene network: UniTS study in Science Advance
Trapping single metal atoms in the graphene network: UniTS study in Science Advance
Result of a collaboration with CNR-IOM, University of Milan Bicocca and University of Vienna
Vai a Lincei Awards: Stefano Borgani receives recognition for his studies in Cosmology
Lincei Awards: Stefano Borgani receives recognition for his studies in Cosmology
The award is given to scholars in the Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences who have distinguished themselves through innovative research and significant contributions
Vai a Historic UniTS enrolment record: almost 4,000 students enrolled in Bachelor's degrees
Historic UniTS enrolment record: almost 4,000 students enrolled in Bachelor's degrees
60% are women, with an excellent presence in STEM disciplines