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TLC in Cammarata
Testo notizia

The activities of the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) at the University of Trieste have officially begun, with the first joint meeting of the Board of Directors and the Scientific Committee, held in the presence of the Rector, Roberto Di Lenarda, and the General Director, Luciana Rozzini.

The Centre has been established under the direction of Matteo Cornacchia, professor of General and Social Pedagogy, to promote the continuous professional development of university lecturers with a focus on innovation and improvement in teaching. The goal is to enhance teaching effectiveness in relation to changes in the student population and available digital tools.

The TLC will serve as a valuable resource to strengthen the concept of “university lecturer” that UniTS seeks to promote.

“The activation of the Teaching and Learning Centre,” explains Matteo Cornacchia, “is part of the actions outlined in the University’s Strategic Plan 2023-2026. TLCs have long existed at foreign universities, and in recent years, they have been spreading in Italy as well, with the goal of supporting the improvement of university teaching and the professional development of lecturers and researchers.”

Among the first initiatives, the introduction of a mandatory program for newly hired lecturers is planned, to ease their integration and foster professional growth. The centre will also provide support for the design and delivery of innovative training programs.

“Their task,” says Cornacchia, “is to promote Faculty Development, which refers to the activities necessary for university lecturers to improve their knowledge, teaching and assessment methods, their relationship with students, and to be generally more effective in their work.”

The TLC Board of Directors includes representatives from all components of the academic community: in this initial formation, it includes professors Silvia Palmisano (DSM), Pierre Thibault (DF), Dolores Ferrara (IUSLIT), Stefano Fornasaro (DSCF), and Giovanni Grandi (DISPES), the administrative manager appointed by the General Director, Enrico Sartor, Samantha Tedesco representing the administrative and technical staff, and Enrico Candotti as the student representative.

The Scientific Committee, on the other hand, is composed of Sara Cervai (DISPES), Gianfranco Sanson (DSM), Francesco Venier (DEAMS), Danilo Lewanski (MIGE), Valentina Beorchia (MIGE – as the Interdepartmental Centre for Educational Research - CIRD), Emanuele Carosati (DSCF), Maria Chiara Passolunghi (DSV), Giovanni Bacaro (DSV), Paolo Labinaz (DISU), Eric Medvet (DIA), Lorenzo Di Pietro (DF), and Stefano Ondelli (IUSLIT), ensuring representation from all university departments.

During the inaugural meeting, the members of both bodies of the Centre began an initial discussion on the TLC’s tasks, also in relation to similar bodies in Italy and abroad, and started planning future activities.