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If you are a non-EU citizen with a permanent address (residenza) abroad and you need a visa, please follow these steps before submitting your enrolment application:

  • Check the Quotas and Reallocations page for whether there are places available on the degree course you are interested in. If the selected degree course does not have places for visa applicants, you cannot enrol.
  • Register on ApplyNow and follow the step-by step procedure, attaching all required documents within the given deadlines.
  • Pre-enrol on UniversItaly
    Log in to or register on the relevant webpage if you have not yet done so, and complete the procedure by uploading the required documents within the given deadlines.
  • Wait for the outcome of the evaluation from UniTS, who will respond through UniversItaly. Through UniversItaly you will also receive any requests for additional documentation.
  • Follow the instructions for submitting your enrolment application
    NB: International Students must meet enrolment deadlines, as well as the deadline for paying their enrolment fee. If you receive a negative outcome on UniversItaly, you can request the reimbursement of your fee.
    Depending on the course you choose, you may need to pass a language proficiency assessment.




You must submit your application on ApplyNow and complete your enrolment, including the payment of the first instalment of your university fees, within the deadlines.

Confirmation of your admission to UniTS does not guarantee your eligibility to receive an entry visa for Italy. The Italian diplomatic representations abroad will autonomously evaluate your visa request.


Please note that, on behalf of the Manager of the Education, Research and Internationalisation Division, applications for the Bachelor Degree Courses 

held in English language in 

“Business and Management” and

 “Economics and Financial Markets” 

are closed for non-EU students requiring VISA, as the quota dedicated to non-EU students has been exceeded.

The internationalisation strategy of the University of Trieste identifies geographical areas in which the University holds research, educational or strategic interest. A number of target countries have been identified in which we focus our internationalisation activities, within the fields of research, education and cooperation. The target countries are: Albania, the United Kingdom, Serbia, Switzerland, Israel, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. In the evaluation phase, we will give priority to candidates from these countries.

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