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The Master's program represents an advanced course of study characterized by in-depth scientific exploration and high-level training, aiming to acquire professional skills of a technical-operational or design nature.

It does not confer a specific final qualification, but the credits earned during participation can be validated for further development in other educational paths, both in Italy and in Europe.

There are two main categories of Master's programs, based on the access requirements:

First level Master (Vocational programme)
Admission requirements: Bachelor's degree, Bachelor's degree (old system), or three-year degree
Second level Master (Advanced programme)
Admission requirements: Master's degree or single-cycle Master's degree, Bachelor's degree (old system)
Interuniversity Master
Master degrees program in partnership with an institution other than the University of Trieste
Enrollment in Master's programs with a foreign degree


Ufficio post lauream - Master's degree and specialization courses

Piazzale Europa, 1 - 34127 - TRIESTE 
Central Building A - right wing - ground floor 

Phone: +39 040558 3094 (hours: Monday-Thursday: 12.00-13.00)

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