Contenuto Image LUMEN – Law of natUre and huMan Ecosystem approach: modelling a traNscultural eco-legal framework • Responsabile Scientifico: Serena Baldin• Dipartimento: Scienze Politiche e Sociali• Codice Progetto: P20222H49L_003• CUP: J53D23018690001• Fianziamento MUR UniTS: € 68.876 € Abstract: We are facing an unprecedented ecological crisis that poses serious threats to humanity and our planet due to anthropogenic activities. The call to take seriously the urgency for effective action raises the need to build 'legal and political representations' that convey 'non-destructive relationships between man and nature'. Law should ideally offer a comprehensive and holistic response to safeguard the 'best interests' of the interconnected globe and all its human and non-human components. LGBTIQ+POL - The institutionalization of LGBTIQ+ equality in EU countries between advancements and oppositions: policies, actors, arenas • Responsabile Scientifico: Elisabetta De Giorgi• Dipartimento: Scienze Politiche e Sociali• Codice Progetto: P2022ZYZ4S_003• CUP: J53D23019090001• Fianziamento MUR UniTS: € 47.343 € Abstract: In 2020, the European Commission adopted an LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 “addressing the inequalities and challenges affecting LGBTIQ people, in order to move towards a Union of Equality''. The EU strategy is one of the results of the "Europeanization" of and through LGBTIQ+ rights, enhanced by the Recommendation 2010/5 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity. From 2010 onwards, LGBTIQ+ equality policies have been entering the institutional agendas in all the EU countries, gaining visibility and triggering protests in the public sphere and within institutions. Nevertheless, the variation in the trajectories of LGBTIQ+ policies in the EU27 and the reasons behind this divided situation have received so far little attention in the emerging literature on LGBTIQ+ equality policies. To fill this gap, LGBTIQ+POL proposes a set of mixed quantitative and qualitative methods to cover the multidimensionality of the factors explaining the variation in the LGBTIQ+ policies’ adoption at EU member state level. The major expectation of the project is to perform a longitudinal cross-national analysis on EU27 member states from 2010 onwards through both existing and newly built original datasets, and theory-generating analysis of selected case studies. Ultimately, through the study of the institutionalization of LGBTIQ+ policies, it will assess the determinants of LGBTIQ+ equality in the EU27. Special attention will be paid to Italy as a specific case study presenting a critical configuration regarding the intensification of LGBTIQ+ policy agendas, the emergence of strongly politicized anti-LGBTIQ+ movements, and a sharpening of conflicts within the institutional arena. The project is structured around concrete and innovative research objectives and aims at: defining the context of LGBTIQ+ policies and identifying the legal, social and political dimensions of LGBTIQ+ equality among the EU27 member states; mapping and analyzing the quantitative and qualitative aspects of anti-LGBTIQ+ protests in the EU27 through a protest events analysis; scrutinizing the institutionalization of LGBTIQ+ policies in a selected number of European countries, through the analysis of the policymaking process in the parliamentary arena, in which political actors, with different roles and preferences, are involved. Finally, the project will unveil the influence of the multiple factors investigated and, based on existing and newly generated data, it will assess the determinants of the variation in the institutionalization of LGBTIQ+ equality in the EU. The LGBTIQ+POL researchers will be committed to the open science’s principles, not only providing open access resources (i.e., datasets and reports) and publications, but also implementing a comprehensive method of good practices that improves quality, efficiency and responsiveness of research, and accessibility to different targets such as scientific, policy and public audiences. CHOTB - Cultural heritage of war on the borderland. Politics of memory, economic development and local communities • Responsabile Scientifico: Patrick Karlsen• Dipartimento: Scienze Politiche e Sociali• Codice Progetto: P20225ZMFW_002• CUP: J53D23017650001• Finanziamento MUR UniTS: € 63.537 €Abstract: This project investigates the practices of preservation, consumption and exhibition of material and immaterial cultural heritage left by the main conflicts of the twentieth century conflicts in the borderland between Italy and Austria and nowadays Slovenia. The project has two components.1. A research component, aiming at situating the case study in the wider context of European memory practices of the conflicts.2. An enhancement component, aiming at proposing a model for the development of a sustainable heritage tourism in the region. PANHED - Pathways to Anhedonia: deconstruCTIng Vulnerability and training the Appetitive sysTEm in the brain • Responsabile Scientifico: Igor Marchetti• Dipartimento: Scienze della Vita• Codice Progetto: P20223PTH4_002• CUP: J53D23017140001• Fianziamento MUR UniTS: € 109.600 €Abstract: The project aims at meeting two major goals: i) investigating the malleable and non-malleable vulnerability factors fo the Late Positive Potential (LPP) component and anhedonia;ii) developing a brief psychophysiological training for modifying the LPP component and state anhedonia. ANTICIPATE - Artificial intelligence and dementia care in practice • Responsabile Scientifico: Francesco Miele• Dipartimento: Scienze Politiche e Sociali• Codice Progetto: P202254N7P_001• CUP: J53D23016810001• Finaziamento MUR UniTS: € 134.613 €Abstract: Dementia is a not curable disease and is the major cause of disability and dependency among older adults worldwide. Moreover, it has a significant impact on relatives of patients, healthcare organizations, societies and communities. In front of the diffusion of dementia, as well as of other invalidating chronic conditions generally associated with aging, a consistent reconfiguration of welfare arrangements has not happened and family networks are increasingly weak and fragmented. Within this framework, both in academic and non-academic debate, a growing attention has been paid to the possible role of ‘intelligent algorithm machines’ (IAM) in assisting people with dementia (PWD), compensating or replacing the support of caregivers. Drawing on a theoretical framework inspired by Science & Technologies Studies, Organization Studies and Medical Sociology,, ANTICIPATE proposes a groundbreaking perspective both in the specific debate about dementia and in the wider ones focused on the automation of care, shifting the focus from the outputs of algorithm machines to “how algorithms do work in the world”. The research goals of the project are the following ones: RG1: to understand to what extent IAM become integrated in dementia care, defining the discrepancies and converges between projected and ‘real’ uses;RG2: to reconstruct the processes through which IAM as well as human actors mobilize different forms of knowledge, giving rise to integration, conflict and transformation dynamics;RG3: to understand to what extent the social practices emerged around IAM re-shape caregiver-caretaker relationship in dementia care;RG4: to activate participatory processes, involving PWD and caregivers in the design of IAM. ANTICIPATE will reach these RGs through a mixed-method design, characterized by a dominant status of qualitative research and by an exploratory use of quantitative research. The research actions of ANTICIPATE will be: i) Mapping intelligent technologies for residential care; ii) Online Survey for family caregivers; iii) Qualitative study in residential care settings; iv) Qualitative study in home-care settings; v) Participatory workshops with users. Consistently with the aims established by the “Horizon Europe- the Framework Program for and adopted by PNR 2021-27 ANTICIPATE aims at supporting the development of person-centered Health technologies, producing a remarkable scientific, social and technological impact. The access to the fieldwork, the dissemination and the impact of the project will be assured by the collaboration between ANTICIPATE research teams and two stakeholders that have already shown interest for the project, Federazione Alzheimer Italia and TeiaCare. GenDJus - Rights and Prejudice: Linguistic and Legal Implications of Gendered Discourses in Judicial Spaces • Responsabile Scientifico: Gianluca Pontrandolfo• Dipartimento: Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione• Codice Progetto: P2022FNH9B_001• CUP: J53D23017220001• Fiannziamento MUR UniTs: € 130.001 Abstract: Human wellbeing and inclusive societies depend on citizens’ access to fundamental rights without discrimination of any kind. Yet, only manifest discrimination is usually detected and prohibited by law. More subtle forms of discrimination, which can derive from prejudice, stereotypes and bias (hereinafter, PSB) are still difficult to be identified and tackled effectively both in discourse and law. New methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches need to be explored to look at the actors at the core of the system of protection against discrimination: international human rights bodies, the EU and, as far as Italy is concerned, national courts. These actors are often overlooked in the legal and linguistic literature in the belief that they are immune to PSB.The GenDJus project aims at testing and challenging this assumption. Conceived as an interdisciplinary research project in the areas of Discourse and Law on Gender and Sexuality, it aims at nurturing the trust in inclusive societies and democracies by producing a strong social impact. By means of a corpus-assisted analysis of international and national judicial texts in Italian, English and Spanish, the project explores a specific area where these subtle forms of discrimination seem to be more persistent, i.e. sexual, reproductive and parental rights, and it does so from both a linguistic and a legal standpoint. An effective protection of individuals is also achieved through language: if words are unable to express the need for protection that underlies certain demands for justice, then there is a risk of not only violating human rights applicable to the concrete situation, but also of fueling obstacles to fundamental freedoms in the EU. This seems especially true in the area of sexual, reproductive and parental rights, which are particularly exposed to a variety of PSB that may affect both their direct enjoyment and their exercise through justice. Identifying such practices and understanding them – in order to eradicate them through language and law – can contribute to improving both the functioning of justice and the access to and enjoyment of relevant rights without discrimination, thus avoiding time-consuming and costly court proceedings. While advancing innovative methodologies to detect new forms of discrimination, the project identifies concrete ways to improve judicial discourse(s) and avoid the unconscious reiteration of negative attitudes against a specific gender and sexual minorities in the international/EU/Italian spheres.Framed within the UN Sustainable Development Goal no. 5, the project will work with national and international partners to address the strategic emerging topic no. 5 (Cluster 2) of this Call while contributing to the implementation of the EU National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). OATI - Open Air Theatres in Italy • Responsabile Scientifico: Paolo Quazzolo• Dipartimento: Studi Umanistici• Codice Progetto: P2022P9EEM_001• CUP: J53D23016480001• Finanziamento MUR UniTS: € 89.167Abstract: For historical reasons and its position in the Mediterranean area, Italy is the country with the greatest number of open air theatres in the world: many were built in the Greco-Roman era, but many others were built in the following centuries and even in the New Millennium. This is a pioneering research project aimed to offer – for the first time – a complete mapping and atlas of all the typologies of open air theatres in Italy, with a specific focus on their history and use as a performance space, especially for summer festivals. This research project has a strong impact at national level and is aimed to conquer a leading position for the Performing Arts, with the related activity of analyses and dissemination of the results as: OATI Atlas; OATI Photo Gallery & Clippings Archive; OATI Testimonials; OATI Official Page. Will be organized workshops, an international conference and a documentary exhibition. There are no existing academic research projects in the same field, as well as no previous projects already funded which can be complementary to it. The research project is highly innovative and has a strong impact: it can become a leading model for the analysis of the open air theatres all around the world, because it permits the application of a specific conceptual model that allows an optimal management of the work, in a virtuous circuit based on the past, the present, and the future with a long-term impact for the benefit of the new generations. CriArcLi - Italian Professors of Criminal Law’s Archives and Libraries: Models, Digitisation and Public Engagement • Responsabile Scientifico: Nicola Recchia• Dipartimento: Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione• Codice Progetto: P2022TLYS9_003• CUP: J53D23016510001• Fianziamento MUR UniTS: € 49.166Abstract: The project, developed along two lines of research, proposes, on one hand, the census and description of the archives and libraries of Italian penalists active between the mid-19th and mid-20th centuries, and on the other hand, the analytical inventory description and study of two collections, archival and bibliographic, produced by Pietro Ellero (1833-1933) and Marcello Finzi (1879-1956). They can be considered exemplary figures of different periods of the evolution of the Italian State and society, having operated in two very significant historical periods from the perspective of national history, also in terms of the transformation of public structures, social life, and cultural life as a whole.The surveyed archives will be described using data entry software from the Unified Information System for Archival Superintendencies (SIUSA) and the Information System of State Archives (SIAS), made available by the Central Institute for Archives (ICAR) of the Ministry of Culture, which will be a partner in this initiative.At the same time, the research group plans to create an open-access portal for the publication of these descriptions; the web infrastructure must be fully interoperable with the national portals SIUSA and SIAS, thanks to the use of descriptive layouts and standards that ensure integration. Concurrently, the website will be the publishing platform for the analytical inventories of the archives of Pietro Ellero and Marcello Finzi (with particular attention to documents currently housed in Florence at the Olschki publisher); these tools will be developed using the open-source software Archimista, which ensures full interoperability with the SAN portal - Research Tools of the Ministry of Culture.Furthermore, the project envisages digitization, adhering to the Guidelines for the Digitization of Cultural Heritage, recently published by the MIC Digital Library, of specific archival series, thus shaping itself, in all its aspects, as a significant "intellectual and professional" project for achieving the objectives of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), within the framework of investment M1C3 1.1 "Strategies and digital platforms for cultural heritage".The three research units, identified at the Universities of Bologna, Modena-Reggio Emilia, and Trieste, are composed of researchers with diversified but complementary skills, including Archival Science, Library Science, History of Law, and Criminal Law and Procedure. The interdisciplinary nature of the initiative, together with the close collaboration between scholars and public institutions, both national and local, aims to be the first application of a working method in the enhancement of archival and library cultural assets.The project activities will be essential to enable the enjoyment of this important cultural heritage of our country, first and foremost by professionals, not only Italians but also by a broader audience of citizens interested in emblematic figures of Italian criminal law history. Ultimo aggiornamento Ultimo aggiornamento: 14-02-2025 Progetti PRIN 2022 - PNRR Settore LS Life Sciences Settore PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering Settore SH - Social Sciences and Humanities