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Second-level Master's Degree


Duration: 1 year
Campus: Trieste
Language: Italian
Department: Universitario Clinico di Scienze Mediche Chirurgiche e della Salute
Credits: 60
Admission: qualifications
Intake (min/max): 5/5

For admission and enrollment procedures, please refer to the Master's Single Call for Applications 

The Laparoscopic Surgery Master's Degree at the University of Trieste stems from the idea of providing specialized training in gynecology and obstetrics to medical professionals, as well as to residents enrolled in the gynecology and obstetrics specialization program:

  • The anatomical and surgical foundations of the pelvis and abdomen.
  • Proficiency in basic laparoscopic surgical techniques.
  • Learning to utilize the latest endoscopic technologies.

Participation offers a high level of education thanks to the presence of various expert endoscopic surgeons who will accompany learners both in practical sessions in the operating room and on simulators. The educational organization will therefore be focused on maximum practicality, with qualified training in all structures related to gynecological surgery at the Institute, including the ward, the endometriosis outpatient clinic, advanced gynecological ultrasound, and of course, the operating room itself.

Frontal lectures, guaranteed by prestigious faculty, will aim to establish key surgical concepts based on the most recent literature and the surgical experience of individual experts. The master's program thus aims to transfer all the knowledge that cannot be acquired except through practical field experience.

Competition results

The results of the admissions will be published in this section.

Master Director

Giuseppe Ricci

Phone: 040 378 5351 
E-mail: - 

Dipartimento di Scienze mediche, Chirurgiche e della Salute – U.C.O. di Ginecologia e Ostetricia c/o I.R.C.C.S. materno infantile Burlo Garofolo, IV piano, scala C - Via dell'Istria, 65 - 34137 - Trieste

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