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First level Master
Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences
Duration: 1 year
Campus: Trieste
Language: Italian
Dipartimento: Universitario Clinico di Scienze Mediche Chirurgiche e della Salute
Credits: 60
Admission: qualifications and interview
Intake (min/max): 5/13
For admission and enrollment procedures, please refer to the Master's Single Call for Applications
The Master aims to enable graduates to:
- Understand neonatal and pediatric emergencies and their treatment according to Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN) and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP).
- Evaluate and manage clinical and care-related aspects of emergencies and urgencies in neonatal and pediatric settings.
- Understand pediatric triage dynamics.
- Utilize specialized nursing care strategies to manage critical and life-threatening situations in neonatal and pediatric contexts.
- Understand methods to identify and manage maltreated and/or abused neonates/children.
- Know the management techniques for traumatized neonates/children.
- Implement a correct approach to procedural and pathological pain.
- Understand pharmacology and pharmacodynamics in emergency situations, as well as complex diagnostic-therapeutic tools for managing clinical criticalities in neonatal and pediatric settings.
- Implement advanced monitoring forms to promptly detect signs of deterioration in the conditions of neonates/children.
- Plan, implement, and evaluate nursing care interventions in neonatal and pediatric emergency and urgency situations based on the latest available scientific evidence.
- Identify specific areas of autonomy and those interdependent with other professionals based on the type of neonate/child under care and the nature of the relational, educational, and technical intervention, promoting integration and intervision among different professional components and organizational systems.
- Utilize communicative-relational strategies in neonatal and pediatric emergency and urgency contexts.
- Develop methodological research skills and bioethical knowledge for professional practice in neonatal and pediatric emergency and urgency situations.
Competition results
The results of the admissions will be published in this section.
Master Director
Egidio Barbi
Phone: 040 378 5454
Coordinator's mobile phone number: 320 4389170
E-mail: -
Website: go to the website
Diparimento di Scienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e della Salute
I.R.C.C.S. materno infantile Burlo Garofolo, Via dell'Istria, 65 - 34137 - Trieste