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PhD Programme in 

Circular Economy

Length: 3 years
Organizing university: University of Trieste
Official language: English
Credits: 20
Admission: by selection 
Application deadline PNRR: 22 July 2024 01:00 pm (CEST)

PhD Programme

Organizing Department

Board of Examiners

In this section you will find the Board of Examiners of the competition.

Assessments and shortlist

In this section you will find the competition assessments and shortlist.

  • CURRICULUM: Economics & Circular Economy
  1. Circular Economy
  2. Resource and Environmental Economics
  3. Inter and Intra-Generational Conflicts and Resource Use
  4. Economic Evaluation of Externalities and Environmental Damage
  5. Willingness to Pay
  6. Energy Economics, with Special Reference to Renewable Energy Sources
  7. Sustainable Mobility, Decarbonizing Transport
  8. Impact of Green Deal on the Industrial System
  9. Effectiveness of Fiscal Policies (Optimal Thresholds for Public Debt and Spending) in Presence of Non-Renewable Resources
  10. Sustainable Agri-Food System and Food Waste
  • CURRICULUM: Circular Business Models
  1. Sustainable Strategies
  2. Innovability
  3. Circular Business Model
  4. Supply Chain Sustainability
  5. Environmental, Social, Governance Scores (ESG)
  6. Non-Financial Disclosure
  7. GRI Standards
  8. Mindful and Sustainable Consumption
  9. Integrated Reporting
  10. Green Advertising
  • CURRICULUM:    Statistical and Quantitative Methods for Sustainability and Risk Assessment
  1. Fair Pricing of Life and Non-Life Insurance Contracts 
  2. Mortality Modelling 
  3. Catastrophe, Climate and Environmental Risk Modelling 
  4. Insurance De-Risking
  5. Responsible Investing and ESG Portfolios
  6. Statistical Models for the Analysis of Climate and Weather Events 
  7. Multivariate Dependence Modelling of Extremes in Environmental Applications
  8. Supervised and Unsupervised Statistical Learning Techniques for Environmental Risk Assessment and Management 
  9. Statistical Methods for Investigating Sustainable Energy Systems
  10. Sustainability Indicators

The PhD Programme in Circular Economy UniTS (CE.TS) is three-year doctorate, entirely organized in English. It aims to create experts who contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in various sectors and disciplinary areas through the correct use of methodologies and methods of economic and social research. The sectors and disciplinary areas are joint by a common denominator: the Circular Economy paradigm.
The doctorate is organized in three curricula: an economics curriculum (Economics & Circular Economy), a managerial curriculum (Circular Business Models) and a statistical-actuarial curriculum (Statistical and Quantitative Methods for Sustainability and Risk Assessment).
The CE.TS PhD Programme is endowed with a particularly innovative training structure and a strong openness to the territorial stakeholders (companies, public bodies and associations, research centers) from which it intends to be supported through doctoral scholarships (including industrial scholarships) and with whom it intends to establish long-lasting relationships of mutual satisfaction. While relying on this “local” network, the CE.TS PhD Programme is also an open and international doctorate: for the language used, for the board of lecturers and for the participants. Industrial stakeholders (not only lenders but, more generally, a pool of industrial stakeholders in the area) are heard at least once a year. These hearings take place separately for each of the 3 reference curricula. These hearings aim to gather the insights and needs necessary to maintain a strong connection between the PhD curriculum and the changing needs of the stakeholders themselves.
Moreover, given its international nature, the doctorate has set up a steering committee made up of international lecturers (coordinators and non-coordinators) with which to compare notes to improve the organisation, management and control procedures of the doctorate itself.

The PhD is organized in three curricula: an economics curriculum (Economics & Circular Economy), a managerial curriculum (Circular Business Models) and a statistical- actuarial curriculum (Statistical and Quantitative Methods for Sustainability and Risk Assessment). The PhD is organized as follows: in the first part that is common to the three curricula students receive epistemological and methodological education with the aim to develop solid methodological and research design foundations. Students then start following different paths according to the curriculum they belong to. Within each curriculum, students first receive education about the theoretical groundings of each disciplinary area with the aim to consolidate their knowledge about the theories, the models and the main paradigms that are proper of their disciplines. Once such "horizontal" training has been completed, each student will be able to complete his/her training in a "vertical" and modular way by adding additional courses around his/her specific research areas and research topics.

The PhD Programme in Circular Economy (CE.TS) aims to train experts who can contribute to the development of the scientific debate, but also to the development of public policies and corporate strategies related to the circular economy paradigm. In particular, students more oriented towards an academic career will find in the Circular Economy doctorate a suitable tool for accelerating their academic career even in an international context and which will allow them to then be able to join the staff of universities of high standing at an international level . Students more oriented towards a corporate career (including employees of companies included in an industrial doctorate) will find in the Circular Economy doctorate a useful tool to provide them with the solid methodological and theoretical foundations necessary to make strategic decisions or those related to support policies that are scientifically based.


Guido Bortoluzzi - Coordinator

Phone: 040 5583130

Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 
Piazzale Europa 1 - 34127 Trieste

Pietro Millossovich - Deputy Coordinator

Phone: 040 5588016

Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 
Piazzale Europa 1 - 34127 Trieste

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