Contenuto All Courses ContributionsFor tuition fees, contributions, and exemptions information- see the page Contributions.For additional information contact: Tuition fees, contributions, and exemptions Service Right to study, disability, and specific learning disabilities (SLD)For general information, see dedicated pages.For additional information contact: Disability and Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) Service International MobilityFor information on international mobility both incoming and outgoing, see the International pages.For additional information contact: International Mobility Office Bachelor’s Degree and 5/6 Years Masters' Degree and Masters' Degree Enrollments and admission noticesFor general information on courses, see the pages Orientar yourselfFor information on teaching, see the Educational OfferSee the pages enroll for information on transfers from other universities, enrollments with a career abbreviation, and enrollment in single courses. Contact the Admissions Office of the relevant Training Area or Department for further information or to submit requests: For further information or to submit requests, contact the Admissions Office International Students - Degree Seekers enrollmentFor information on enrollment see the page International students - Degree Seekers. For further information or to submit requests, please contact the International Students Office Students CareersSee the Student Career pages for information on re-registration, study plans, course changes, transferring to another university, suspending or resuming studies, and graduation.For further information or to submit requests, please contact the Career Office of the relevant course type For further information or to submit requests, contact the Career Office e-LearningFor information on e-Learning, visit the dedicated page (ITA only). For reports regarding the Teams platform For reports regarding the Moodle platform Diploma RetrievalFor general information about diploma retrieval, please visit the Graduation Diploma Retrieval page. For further information or to submit requests, please contact: Office of Right to Education Postgraduate Courses For general information and details on courses, please see the pages Post laureamFor further information or to submit requests, please contact the Post lauream Office of the relevant course type: Research Doctorate - PhD Specialization schools Teacher training Master and Advanced Courses State Exams Ultimo aggiornamento Study Orient yourself Degree courses Postgraduate Right to study Application Attend the course Student career Graduation Alumni University fees Contacts Quick links Call to action Departments