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The LIFE programme is the European funding instrument for environment and climate actions. The main objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating, and development of European legislation and policies on environment and climate through the co-financing of projects with added European value.

The programme is managed by the Directorate-Generals for Environment and Climate of the European Commission. The Commission has delegated the implementation of the various components of the LIFE programme to CINEA (Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Executive Agency). External groups assist the Commission and CINEA in the selection, monitoring, and communication phases.

The financial allocation for the implementation of the LIFE programme for the period 2021-2027 is set at 5.4 billion euros.

The general aim of the LIFE programme is to contribute to the transition to a sustainable, circular, energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral, and climate-resilient economy. Additionally, it aims to contribute to the protection and improvement of environmental quality and to halt and reverse the process of biodiversity loss, thereby promoting sustainable development.

The specific aims of the programme are as follows:

  1. Develop, demonstrate, and promote innovative techniques and approaches to achieve the Union's environmental and climate action objectives and contribute to the application of best practices regarding nature and biodiversity.
  2. Support the development, implementation, monitoring, and enforcement of relevant Union legislation and policies, including improving governance and strengthening the capacity of public and private actors and civil society participation.
  3. Stimulate the widespread adoption of proven effective technical and strategic solutions to implement relevant Union legislation and policies, replicating results, integrating related objectives into other policies and public and private sector practices, mobilizing investments, and improving access to financing.

The LIFE 2021-2027 programme is divided into the following four sub-programme:

  1. Nature and Biodiversity Sub-programme - NAT (will support both standard action projects aimed at developing, applying, and promoting best practices for nature and biodiversity conservation, as well as "strategic nature conservation projects." These new projects intend to support and enhance the implementation of Union rules on nature protection and biodiversity conservation policy objectives).
  2. Circular Economy and Quality of Life Sub-programme - ENV (actions funded will contribute to achieving major EU policy objectives, such as the transition to a circular economy, and the preservation and improvement of air and water quality in the Union).
  3. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Sub-programs - CCM and CCA (funded actions will contribute to implementing the 2030 climate and energy framework and fulfilling the Union's commitments under the Paris Agreement on climate change).
  4. Clean Energy Transition Sub-program - CET (the new Clean Energy Transition sub-program will help develop capacity, stimulate investments, and support policy implementation activities, particularly in the field of energy efficiency and small-scale renewable sources, contributing to climate change mitigation and/or environmental aims).

The following entities are eligible:

Legal entities established in one of the following countries or territories: 

  • a Member State or an overseas country or territory linked to it; a third country associated with the program; another third country under specific agreements;
  • Legal entities established in accordance with Union law or international organizations.

The European Commission published on July 13, 2021, the calls for proposals for various types of projects. For currently open calls, please visit the dedicated section on the European Commission's Funding & Tenders Portal and the published call here.

One of the main novelties introduced by the LIFE 2021-2027 programme concerns the Call for Proposals, which will vary for each project typology of each sub-program:

  • SAPs (Standard Action Projects); 
  • SIPs (Strategic Integrated Projects); 
  • SNAPs (Strategic Nature Projects); 
  • TA-PP (Technical Assistance Preparation of SNAPs and SIPs).

The submission procedure for SAP and TA-PP projects foreseen in the 2021 Calls will be "One stage," while for SNAP and SIP projects, it will be "Two stage."

The maximum co-financing rate for projects financed under the Environment and Climate Action sub-programmes amounts to up to 55% of eligible costs, except for integrated, assistance, and preparatory projects, which have a co-financing rate of up to 60% of eligible costs.

Projects in the priority sector Nature and Biodiversity provide funding rates of up to 60% of eligible costs. For projects targeting priority habitats and/or species, the funding rate is 67%. For projects concerning priority habitats or species, or bird species for which funding is considered a priority (under the Habitats and Birds Directives), the funding rate can go up to 75% of eligible costs.

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