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The new JUSTICE programme 2021-2027 is the European Union programme that promotes judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, judicial training, better access to justice in the EU, and anti-drug policy initiatives, including crime prevention. Transnational projects must involve at least 2 countries; it is possible, for certain types of calls, to submit national projects. The JUSTICE programme is managed by the Directorate-General for Justice of the European Commission (DG JUST).

The Justice Programme provides support for judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, such as training for judges and other legal professionals, and effective access to justice for citizens and businesses. It also contributes to the development of a European area of justice, based on the rule of law, including the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, mutual recognition, trust, and judicial cooperation. The programme aims to strengthen democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental rights.

The areas focused on by the programme are: civil justice, criminal justice, e-justice, protection of the rights of suspects and accused persons, access to justice, judicial training, and protection of the rights of victims.

The programme contributes to further developing a European area of justice based on recognition and mutual trust. Key objectives include:

  • Facilitating judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters and promoting the rule of law and the impartiality of the judiciary, including supporting the improvement of national justice systems and the effective implementation of decisions;
  •  Supporting and promoting judicial training, with the aim of facilitating the development of a common legal, judicial, and rule of law culture, as well as the effective implementation of relevant Union legal instruments within the programme's context; 
  • Facilitating effective non-discriminatory access to justice and effective recourse, including electronically (e-justice), promoting efficient civil and criminal procedures, and promoting and supporting the rights of all victims of crime, as well as the procedural rights of suspects and defendants in criminal proceedings.

Awareness-raising and dissemination of information to enhance understanding of Union policies and law within the scope of the Program; 

  1. Mutual learning and exchange of good practices among stakeholders to improve understanding and mutual appreciation of civil and criminal law as well as legal systems and judiciaries of Member States; 
  2. Analytical and monitoring activities aimed at improving understanding of potential obstacles to the proper functioning of the European area of justice and enhancing implementation of Union law and policies in Member States; 
  3. Training of relevant stakeholders to enhance understanding of Union policies and law; 
  4. Development and maintenance of information and communication technology tools and e-justice, in compliance with privacy and data protection; 
  5. Capacity building of key European-level networks and European judicial networks, including those established under Union law; 
  6. Support for civil society organizations and non-profit stakeholders active in sectors covered by the program to ensure adequate access for all citizens to their services, advisory activities, and support activities, thereby also contributing to strengthening democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental rights; 
  7. Improvement of program knowledge and dissemination, transferability, and transparency of its results, as well as increased proximity to citizens, including by organizing discussion forums for stakeholders.

All actions funded by the program must yield results whose benefits extend beyond an individual Member State. In particular, the following elements must be taken into account:

  • Does the project contribute to effective, comprehensive, and consistent implementation of Union law instruments and policies?
  • Will it enhance public awareness and understanding of rights, values, and principles stemming from Union law?
  • Will it improve understanding of potential issues concerning these rights?
  • Is it aimed at fostering mutual trust among Member States and enhancing cross-border cooperation? What is its transnational impact?
  • Does it contribute to the development and dissemination of best practices?
  • Will it create tools and practical solutions addressing cross-border or Union challenges?

All EU Member States, except Denmark. Regarding non-EU countries, those eligible are the countries that will have concluded an association agreement by the signature of the grant agreement.

The financial allocation for the implementation of the program for the period from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2027, is set at 305,000,000 euros. There are no maximum budget limits for project proposals, but the request cannot be less than 75,000 euros. The program's funding rate can go up to 97%.

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