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The University is part of many international networks.


UNIADRION is a non-profit, transnational volunteer association of universities and research centers. The association was established in 2000 at the Ravenna Conference with the aim of creating a permanent connection between universities and research and development centers of excellence in the Adriatic and Ionian basin, thus strengthening inter-university cooperation and the strategy of the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion. Cooperation is multidisciplinary and covers the following areas: protection, cataloging, and promotion of cultural heritage, environment and sustainable development, cultural tourism, economic development, communication, ports, and trade relations. The University's representative is Professor Roberto Louvin.


EUA - European Universities Association

For over 20 years, the University of Trieste has been a member of the European University Association (EUA), an European association that has evolved from the Conference of European Rectors (CRE) and the Association of European Universities (AEU). The main activities of the EUA involve coordinating European university policies and promoting meetings among universities throughout Europe. The University's representative is Professor Alberto Pallavicini.

AARC- Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference

The AARC is established to promote dialogue among higher education institutions in the Adriatic Alps regions in the fields of education, scientific research, and teaching. The AARC is committed to supporting collaboration among teachers and students in various academic fields. The network collaborates with relevant institutions of the European Union in scientific research and various cycles of higher education, including lifelong learning. The University's representative is Professor Valter Sergo.

EMUNI - Euro-Mediterranean University

In 2018, the University joined the Euro-Mediterranean University Network (EMUNI). Since its foundation in 2008, the Euro-Mediterranean University, one of the priority projects of the Union for the Mediterranean, has evolved into an international institution that gathers knowledge and expertise from Euro-Mediterranean countries, making a significant contribution to the creation of a unified and integrated Euro-Mediterranean area for higher education and research. The Euro-Mediterranean University largely operates from its headquarters in Piran. EMUNI's fundamental mission is to contribute, through its activities, to strengthening intercultural dialogue and the priority objectives of the Barcelona Process. The University's representative is Professor Alberto Pallavicini.

DRC - Danube Rector's Conference

The Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC) is a robust network of nearly 70 universities in the Danube region, stretching from the Black Forest to the Black Sea. Our goal is to enhance higher education in teaching and research and advance our member universities by establishing sustainable connections. The University's representative is Professor Valter Sergo.

SAR - Scholars at Risk

In 2017, the University of Trieste became a member of the Scholars at Risk (SAR) network. Scholars at Risk is an international network of institutions and individuals with a mission to protect scholars and promote academic freedom. By organizing temporary academic positions at member universities and colleges, SAR provides safety to scholars at risk, aiming to safeguard the ideas of scholars and enable them to work until they can return to their home countries. Scholars at Risk also provides advocacy and assistance for scholars and guests who are imprisoned or silenced in their home countries, implementing new tools and strategies to promote academic freedom and enhance respect for university values globally. The University's representatives are Professor Roberta Altin and Dr. Carla Savastano.

SGROUP - European Universities Network

Since October 1988, the University has been a member of the Network of European Universities SGroup, being one of the co-founding universities of this European network. The University of Trieste is highly active within the network, particularly through the participation of its professors and officials in annual meetings, conferences, and networks. The University's representative is Professor Emanuele Brambilla.

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