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All the information related to student career is available in the "PhD Students Area" section of each PhD program. You will find:

  • Enrolment
    First-year PhD students must enrol on their Programme of study and will need to re-enrol each academic year.
  • Forms and certificates
    All the useful forms and information on the PhD course
  • Scholarship
    Payment of the scholarship and useful information on the scholarship grant
  • Internationalisation
    Teaching and research activities of PhD programmes can take place entirely in Italy or abroad, given the increasingly wide perspective of internationalization
  • Final examination
    The “Dottore di ricerca” degree is awarded to candidates who have successfully passed their final examination, thus proving to have achieved highly scientific and original results
  • Suspension, extension, withdrawal, forfeiture/exclusion
    Procedures for interruption/extension of the PhD Career
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