Contenuto All the information related to student career is available in the "PhD Students Area" section of each PhD program. You will find:EnrolmentFirst-year PhD students must enrol on their Programme of study and will need to re-enrol each academic year.Forms and certificatesAll the useful forms and information on the PhD courseScholarshipPayment of the scholarship and useful information on the scholarship grantInternationalisationTeaching and research activities of PhD programmes can take place entirely in Italy or abroad, given the increasingly wide perspective of internationalizationFinal examinationThe “Dottore di ricerca” degree is awarded to candidates who have successfully passed their final examination, thus proving to have achieved highly scientific and original resultsSuspension, extension, withdrawal, forfeiture/exclusionProcedures for interruption/extension of the PhD Career Visit your course websiteSocial Sciences and HumanitiesCircular EconomyHistory, Philosophy and Political-Social StudiesTechnology and ScienceApplied Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceChemistryCivil-Environmental Engineering and ArchitectureEarth Science, Fluid-Dynamics and Mathematics. Interactions and MethodsIndustrial and Information EngineeringNanotechnologyPhysicsLife and Health SciencesEnvironmental Life SciencesMolecular BiomedicineNeural and Cognitive SciencesPersonalized Medicine and Innovative Therapies Ultimo aggiornamento PhD Programmes 2024-2025 Course list How to enrol Scholarships Academic career Doctoral Training activities Companies and Institutions Services Recognition of foreign PhD degree Regulations