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The University of Trieste has among its primary tasks scientific research, as well as higher education, in order to promote the cultural, civil, social and economic development of society, recognizing teaching activity as inseparable from research activity. 
As stated from the very first article of its Statute:

The University recognizes its belonging to the European space of research and higher education and makes its principles and instruments its own. It promotes its international dimension, fostering integration and cooperation among university structures and research groups, with particular attention to neighboring areas. It supports the mobility of all its components, facilitating access to its research and training activities by foreign students, researchers and faculty.

The University Strategic Plan 2109-2023 is the most important document that describes the creation of Public Value by the University: it describes the development objectives and the actions to be taken to achieve them, representing a broad reference point where short-term projects and decisions can be placed.
The University's strategic objectives are geared toward the creation and growth of Public Value understood as the overall level of social, economic, environmental and health well-being of citizens, businesses and other stakeholders, including from the perspective of sustainable development. Public Value is most immediately realized by the objectives that derive directly from the strategic areas related to the University's typical institutional activities (Teaching, Research, Third Mission) as they impact overall, in an ameliorative way, on stakeholders' expectations and perception of the quality of services.


Research integrity refers to the set of ethical principles and values, ethical obligations and professional standards that underpin the responsible and proper conduct of scientific research by those who conduct, fund or evaluate it, and by the institutions that promote and conduct it. 
The application of these principles and values and the respect of ethical and professional standards guarantee the quality of research itself and contribute to enhancing the reputation and public image of science, with important implications for its development and for society. 
Read the University Policy on Research Integrity and Ethics

The University of Trieste shares and promotes the objectives of the European Union Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025, recognising gender equality as "a core value of the EU, a fundamental right and a key principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights", as well as "an essential condition for an innovative, competitive and prosperous European economy". 
The GEP of the University of Trieste is therefore based on the general principles that valuing diversity, and in particular the positions of women and other under-represented groups, is crucial for building a just and inclusive society in all areas. And it recognises that the role of academic institutions is crucial in all this, given the importance of research and the model of good practice that can be adopted for society as a whole.
Read the Gender Equality Plan 2022-2024 adopted by the University

The University has two Committees that formulate ethical opinions on research activities:

  • the University Ethics Committee, for research that does not involve the use of laboratory animals
  • the University Animal Welfare Committee (OPBA), for research that does involve the use of laboratory animals.

The University subscribes to the European Charter for Researchers, a set of general principles and requirements that specify the roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers, employers and funders. The aim of the Charter is to ensure that the nature of the relationship between researchers and employers or funders promotes positive outcomes in the production, transfer, sharing and dissemination of knowledge and technological development, as well as the career development of researchers. The Charter also recognises the value of all forms of mobility as a means to enhance the professional development of researchers. 
The Charter is addressed to all researchers in the European Union at all stages of their careers and covers all fields of research in the public and private sectors.

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