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13 March 2025 , 10 am - 2:30 pm
Testo evento

Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA) Degree Course in Architecture
University of Trieste
Architecture and Interior Design Laboratory
Giuseppina Scavuzzo, Nicla Indrigo, Paola Limoncin, Alex Ferletti
Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali il Mosaico in collaboration with ANFFAS Gorizia

On Thursday 13 March 2025, at 10:00 a.m., at the Aula Magna of the Educational and Cultural Pole of the University of Trieste in Gorizia, via Alviano 18, the event ‘Progettare l'abitare collettivo. Dalle fragilità alle prospettive di inclusione’, curated by Paola Limoncin and Mauro Perissini, will take place.


10:00 Institutional greetings

Giuseppina Scavuzzo, University of Trieste: Introductory greeting and presentation of the activities Degree Course in Architecture on the topic of fragile housing

10:15 A Condominio Solidale:
Alex Ferletti, University of Trieste:
Presentation of the activities of the Design Laboratory of Architecture and
of Interiors
Students of the Architecture and Interior Design Laboratory
Presentation of some particularly significant projects on the topic

11:00 The projects in the field on ‘Abitare Fragile’:
Paola Limoncin, University of Trieste
The Rediscovered Garden: Research and Project for Inclusive Living
Thomas Bisiani, University of Trieste
Transforming the Existing to Live for Life. Adaptation and flexibility as
characters of the digital soul of the building
Carlo Antonio Stival, Elisa Bertolini, University of Trieste
The redevelopment of a Modern heritage as a driver for a sustainable
sustainable urban neighbourhood
11:45 Coffee break

12:00 The projects in the field on the theme ‘Habitare Possibile
Sabrina Fontana, Municipality of Monfalcone, Maura Clementi, Municipality of Gorizia
The new challenges of Inclusive Housing and the role of the Territorial Ambits in the
planning and implementation of pathways aimed at disability
Luca Fontana, Consortium of Social Cooperatives Il Mosaico
The Role of Social Cooperation in Communities, Possible Ecosystems

12:40 The fragile inhabitant:
Roberta Zona, ANFASS Gorizia
Free to choose where, how and with whom to live: wishes, expectations and needs
of people with disabilities and their caregivers
Carlo Zanin, Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region
Overcoming the institutionalisation of people. Policies and spaces for inclusive
inclusive living in Friuli-Venezia Giulia
13:20 Conclusions Giuseppina Scavuzzo, University of Trieste
Conclusions on the morning of studies, introduction to the exhibition and presentation
Pamphlet 06

Moderators: Mauro Perissini and Paola Limoncin

13:30 The exhibition "Campagnuzza: temporary and collective living between the Village and the Jungle"
Visit to the exhibition of projects realised by the students of the Architecture and Interior Design Laboratory
14:00 Closing aperitif

The event is realised in collaboration with the cooperative il Mosaico, ANFASS Gorizia and in partnership with the Municipality of Gorizia and the Municipality of Monfalcone as well as with the patronage of the Regional Order of Architects.  

For further information: 
