04 March 2025 , 9:30 am - 05 March 2025 , 5 pm Testo evento Plenary dissemination event of the RETURN project - Trieste: 4-6 March 2025The plenary dissemination conference of the RETURN project entitled ‘Scientific and management challenges for a society resilient to environmental risks in a changing climate’ will take place in Trieste on 4-6 March 2025, at the Maritime Station, Molo dei Bersaglieri 3.The conference will include scientific sessions and thematic round tables in plenary sessions and ‘poster’ sessions in parallel rooms, organised as ‘flash presentations’ grouped by topic.In particular, on Wednesday 5 March at 11 a.m. there will be a round table discussion organised by Generali Assicurazione SpA with professor Stefano Parolai, Director of the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences of the University of Trieste, as moderator, entitled "Advanced Risk Assessment in a Multi-Hazard Framework".The event is organised by OGS as part of the PNRR Return Project.The full programme of the event can be found in the attachment below. Allegati Document Programma