Data notizia 23 October 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia Trieste, 23rd October 2024 - The programme for the 2024-2025 academic year of the project 'The Lincean Academy for new teaching methodology in schools', in which the University of Trieste plays a leading role, has been presented.The Trieste Hub of the initiative's national network, with the collaboration of the Foundation 'The Lincean Academy for Schools', the Regional School Office of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, has been engaged for six years in organising refresher and advanced training activities for school teachers in the four disciplines covered by the project: Italian, mathematics, digital and science.‘Primary and secondary school teachers from all over Italy take part in the project every year,’ explains University of Trieste lecturer Roberta Bulla, coordinator of the Trieste Hub. ‘From 2021 to date we have had a total of 1,000 teachers enrolled.’‘At a complex time for the Italian university and school system such as the one we are currently experiencing, the role of support for the training of school teachers played by UniTS within the framework of the Lincean project is of strategic importance," says Rector Roberto Di Lenarda. "I would like to thank the Region for the support that it once again guarantees our university and all of our teachers involved, who add these activities to their ordinary ones with great passion and commitment.’‘The presence of the Lincean Hub in Trieste represents a great opportunity for the education system in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Teachers who train and update their knowledge improve not only their own preparation, but also the school within which they teach and the system as a whole. If, as confirmed by the data from the Invalsi 2024 tests, school education in FVG is of high quality and the drop-out rate is among the lowest in Italy, we certainly owe this to projects like this one, which the regional administration will continue to support, as an investment for the younger generations, in the years to come,’ adds Alessia Rosolen, Regional Councillor for Employment, Training, Education, Research, University and Family.‘In an ever-changing society, continuous teacher training is of fundamental importance to ensure the quality of education. It represents an opportunity for effective professional development and growth of the teaching profession. With a view to promoting continuous training, the FVG Regional School Office has signed an agreement with the FVG Region and the Universities of Trieste and Udine in which it commits itself to disseminating the training activities organised by the two university centres as part of the project ‘The Lincean Academy for new teaching methodology in schools’ and to cooperating in identifying tutor teachers among the local educational institutions to support teaching and workshop activities,’ concludes Daniela Beltrame, Head of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional School Office.The project stems from a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Lincean Academy, the Ministry of Education and Merit, and the Ministry of Universities and Research, with the aim of supporting and encouraging the improvement of the national education and training system through numerous initiatives aimed at promoting a renewal of teaching-learning processes in the scientific and humanistic disciplines.The programmes proposed for the 2024/2025 academic year are highly structured.