Contenuto The Strategic Plan is the planning document that defines the mission, strategic directions and objectives of the University of Trieste (UniTS) and is therefore an essential tool for outlining the development guidelines and strategies for their achievement within medium- to long-term scenarios, consistent with the guidelines defined by the Ministry of University and Research and with resource planning.The Strategic Plan 2023-2026 is the result of a participatory process that, in addition to Governance and Department Directors, has involved numerous representatives of our academic community and the main institutional stakeholders in the area. Allegati Document Strategic plan 2023-2026 (ITA only) Strategic Plans Archive (ITA only) Strategic Plan 2019 - 2023 Strategic Plan 2016 - 2018 Strategic Plan 2013 - 2015 Three-year planning 2010 - 2012 Three-year planning 2007 - 2009 Ultimo aggiornamento Last update: 01-10-2025 Mission and Strategies Strategic Plan Departments' Strategic Plans Annual reports and plans Economic and financial statements (ITA only)