25 September 2024 , 9 am - 29 September 2024 , 5 pm Testo evento From September 25-29, 2024, at the Yacht Club Adriaco, Molo Sartorio, in Trieste, the “Mille e una vela Cup 2024” University Trophy, International Universities sailing challenge, will be held, with the UniTS AUDACE team among the participants with its three boats “Lina,” “Dedalo” and “Bai - Lina Rossa.”The international regatta will see sailboats designed, built and steered by university students compete.Only boats made from materials that can ensure a high degree of recyclability and environmental sustainability are eligible to compete.Event's program:Wednesday the 25th September 2024At: Yacht Club Adriaco (Molo Sartorio, 1 Trieste, Italia)09:00: boats arrangement in the Yacht Club Adriaco courtyard11:00: Measurement check and teams registrations17:00: Welcome CeremonyWill follow: conference on the topics :"Experiences On the subject of racing boat performance".18:00: Greetings cocktailThursday The 26th September 2024At: Yacht Club Adriaco09:00: Pre-regatta briefingAt sea:11:00 March-Race “Trofeo Paolo Padova”, with crew made of teachers and students.11:00 Sea trials and performance analysis on foilers (demonstrative Speed Test- will be invited university groups who have made foil imabrcazioni including those not belonging to the 1001VELAcup class)At: Yacht Club Adriaco:16:30 Seminar entitled: "Sailing Regattas: Sustainability vs Performance".Design evaluation of each participating team by a jury.The jury will be composed of: The president of 1001VELAcup, sailors, designers and experts.The prize ranking together with the race ranking will be valid for theawarding of the Mainaldo Maneschi Prize.Friday the 27th September 2024At: Yacht Club Adriaco09:00: Pre-regatta briefingAt sea:11:00: Races; will be run for both the 1001VELAcup Trophy and the 1001FOILcup Trophy.At: Yacht Club Adriaco:17:00 Seminar entitled: “Focus sui materiali innovativi per la nautica sportiva”20:30: Dinner in honor of the participantsSaturday the 28th September 2024At: Yacht Club Adriaco09:00: Pre-regatta briefingAt sea:11:00: Races; will be run for both the 1001VELAcup Trophy and the 1001FOILcup Trophy.At: Yacht Club Adriaco:17:00 Seminar entitled: “Tecnologie sostenibili, tecnologie innovative e fattore umano.”Sunday the 29th September 2024At: Yacht Club Adriaco09:00: Briefing pre-regata – Pre-regatta briefingIn mare-at sea:11:00: Regate – RacesPresso – At: Yacht Club Adriaco:16:00: Closing Ceremony and institutional greetingswill follow: award ceremony.Will be conferred: Mainaldo Maneschi Prize 3rd Edition; Paolo Padova’s Trophy 2024; 1001FOIL cup’s Trophy 2024 and 1001 VELA cup’s Trophy 2024will follow: Goodbye cocktailMore information about the event, held in collaboration between the University of Trieste, in its Centennial year, and Yacht Club Adriaco, can be found in the attachment below.Info: www.1001velacup.eu 1001velacup@gmail.com Allegati Document Programma 1001VELAcup 2024