The University of Trieste will activate a bachelor’s degree in Dietetics starting from the academic year 2024-2025: the publication of the call for applications for degree courses for health professions confirms what has been anticipated in the last weeks about the new course catalogue.
The bachelor’s degree with competitive admission in Dietetics will be based in Pordenone and will have 30 places available. It will train food and nutrition professionals in safety, healthcare, catering, research and teaching as well as in the educational and collaborative aspects of food policies, and will prepare graduates to be able to work both independently and in teams with other professional figures.
Teaching will be divided into theoretical and practical lessons that will provide a solid basis of skills and knowledge in the propaedeutic and biomedical sciences. It will then focus on healthcare, which also involves the main medical and surgical specialities, without neglecting training in psychology and pedagogy, law, economics and ethics.
The course will favour international aspects and experiences, including participation in European networks and collaboration with professional associations and the relevant communities.
The compulsory internship will then enable the student to gain real life work experience. The final examination, in addition to awarding the degree, will be valid in the same way as the State examination qualifying the student to practice the profession.
The degree course will pay particular attention to training future dieticians so that they will be able to carry out their professional activity according to scientific evidence and in compliance with the code of ethics. They will also possess knowledge of food safety and catering and will be able to manage the needs of patients at various stages of life.
In addition to the opportunities offered by the new activation of Dietetics, the call for applications for degree courses for health professions will also see a significant overall increase in available places, almost one hundred more than in the past.
There are more places available in Nursing (+20), which reaches the 200 threshold, in Physiotherapy (+10), Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques (+10), Speech Therapy (+5) and Medical Radiology Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques (+20), which doubles the number of possible admissions compared to the previous call for applications two years ago.
The numbers for Dental Hygiene, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Prevention Techniques in the Environment and in the Workplace and Health Care remain constant, the latter two being activated at the Gorizia Campus.
Applications must be submitted, exclusively online, by 13:00 on 26th August according to the procedures outlined in the call for applications.
The admission test will be held on Thursday 5th September 2024 in Trieste, Piazzale Europa Campus, in buildings H3 and C1. The test will begin at 11:00 (identification operations will start at 8:30), last one hundred minutes and consist of sixty questions with five options for each answer.