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Enrolment is open for interdisciplinary skills training allowing students to obtain Open Badges. The initiative is organised by the Department of Humanities (DiSU) with a financial contribution from the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (pursuant to Article 4(2)(a) of Regional Law No 2/2011 – 2024 funding).

Open Badges are digital certificates confirming experiences or skills and are issued by universities, training organisations and other authorised bodies.

The following courses are organised for students enrolled at the University of Trieste:

Archaeology and society: methods, techniques and strategies of heritage communication
Enrolment deadline: 15th September 2024

Digital Humanities: design, tools and applications
Enrolment deadline: 26th August 2024

Italian for non-native speakers (B1 - B2 level)
Enrolment deadline: 26th August 2024