Data notizia 17 June 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia Camilla Venturini, PhD student studying a joint programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture at the University of Trieste and University of Udine, has received one of the 'Best paper under 40' awards. The award is in recognition of her contribution 'Towards a laboratory of territorial ecologies: the Trieste Karst', and was awarded during the XXVI Conference of the Italian Society of City Planners SIU which has just ended in Naples.Camilla Venturini is currently doing a thesis in Urban Planning on 'FOODSCAPING. Rethinking territories through their food systems', tutored by Prof. Sara Basso of UniTS and Prof. Alessandra Marin of UniFE. It aims to identify how urban planning tools can contribute to regenerating local territories starting from food spaces, enhancing their identifying characteristics and mediating conflicts. The thesis examines Friuli Venezia Giulia as a context, focusing on case studies such as the city of Trieste.