Data notizia 14 June 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia On 15th June 2024 the voluntary organisation IRC, whose purpose is health and social assistance in times of peace and conflict, celebrates 160 years since its foundation.Founded in Milan, the IRC is placed under the high patronage of the President of the Republic and is part of the International Red Cross Movement.Its history is intertwined with that of Italy: in the good times, during major events, in the disasters that have affected our country but also, and above all, with the individual local realities.Millions of volunteers, aid workers and operators have worked to alleviate the suffering of those in vulnerable situations: from battlefields to assisting refugees and exiles, to disseminating hygiene and health education standards, to initiatives in schools.The Trieste IRC Committee, with its highly specialised personnel, has always been working alongside the population in responding to social, health and civil protection needs.