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The University of Trieste, with the collaboration of the Upper Adriatic Technological Research Hub, has presented the House of Clusters: an initiative that aims to create a place for business clusters to meet, promoting and facilitating collaboration between the public and private sectors.

It involves regional officials, cluster managers and representatives of university departments with the aim of developing synergies between research and enterprise.

Pierluigi Barbieri, Spoke 8 representative of the PNRR (Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan) iNEST project, framed the 'House of Clusters' in the context of the iNEST Lab Village project for the development of an Innovation Melting Pot in the spaces of Trieste's Urban Center.

UniTS's commitment takes concrete form with the launch of a call for ideas, announced by C-Lab head Salvatore Dore, which aims to select and fund innovative research projects by accompanying them in the delicate transition from the academic world to the business world.

The presentation was opened by Franco Scolari, director of the Upper Adriatic Technological Research Hub, who emphasised the need for an increasingly solid interconnection between research and business, hypothesising the transfer of part of the PNRR researchers to companies, a proposal that could find concrete expression in iNEST 2.

Ketty Segatti, Central Director for special functions at the Central Directorate for Work, Training, Education and Family of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, introduced the speeches of the representatives of the business clusters, who expressed the will and the need for a common reference point: the Life Sciences cluster manager Stefano De Monte, Michela Pivetta for the Metalmechanics Cluster, the CEO Francesco Contin of ICT Digitale DITEDI and the director of the Agrifood & Bioeconomy Foundation PierpaoloRovere, the director of the Furniture and Home Systems Cluster Carlo Piemonte. Closing the proceedings was Giorgio Adami, director of the Local Economic Development Service.