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Fri, May 10 2024, 9am - Sat, May 11 2024, 12:30pm
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University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture

University of Palermo, Department of Architecture



National conference of researchers in architectural design.

Edited by Adriano Venudo, Thomas Bisiani, Pasquale Mei, Fabio Guarrera, Paolo De Marco

Trieste, Rogers Station, May 10-11, 2024 (UNITS - UNIPA)

Seminar TRE is the stage for researchers in Architectural Design (SSD ICAR 14, 15, 16) from Italian universities to meet according to what is becoming a custom.

The meeting is organized by the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Trieste represented by researchers Adriano Venudo and Thomas Bisiani, in collaboration with Pasquale Mei, Fabio Guarrera and Paolo De Marco of the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo, and Stazione Rogers, at which the event will take place.

The proposed topic, entitled "Interdisciplinarity. Characters of Research in Architectural Design", aims to open a discussion on the methods and coordination of architectural research both in relation to its internal disciplinary components and in relation to other scientific-disciplinary fields, highlighting - if any - specific traits of architectural research.

After the first three meetings between researchers in Architectural Design (area 08/D1), which took place in Milan in 2022 (Seminar Zero. Between theory and practice: architectural composition in Italian schools of architecture), in Naples in 2023 (Seminar One. Design as research. Methods of composition) and in Palermo in 2023 (Seminar Two. The "scale" of research in architectural design) Seminar Three. Interdisciplinarity. Characters of Research in Architectural Design, to be held in Trieste at the Rogers Station on May 10 and 11, 2024, aims to try to identify trends, opportunities, needs, interferences or elements of crisis that researchers identify in their activity in relation to the long-standing and contradictory issue of interdisciplinarity both as a general scientific methodology and cultural approach and as specific ways of approaching teaching and research.

Seminar TRE intends to ask researchers in Architectural Design to identify their position of proximity or distance with respect to the idea of interdisciplinarity, supporting it, refuting it or proposing alternative positions with respect to the actuality and future of research and teaching. This stance also has implications with respect to the theoretical, operational, and perhaps even political positioning of each individual researcher in relation to the overall community of the macrosector.


Friday, May 10:

09:00 Registration of participants

09:30 Session 01.1 - From the need for interdisciplinarity to discipline autonomy

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 Session 01.2 - From the need for interdisciplinarity to the autonomy of the discipline

12:30 Institutional greetings
           Giovanni Fraziano President of Rogers Station         
           Paolo Gallina Director of the Department of Engineering and Architecture DIA/UNITS
           Andrea Sciascia Referent of Macrosector 08/D1 of the Department DARCH/UNIPA
           Giuseppina Scavuzzo Coordinator of the DIA/UNITS course of study in architecture

13:15 Light lunch

14:30 Session 02.1 - Interdisciplinarity between teaching and research

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 Session 02.2 - Interdisciplinarity between teaching and research

18:30 Presentation of volumes Seminar ONE and Seminar TWO

Saturday, May 11:

09:30 Concluding Session

11:30 Coffee break

12:00 Conclusions.

12:30 End of proceedings

