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Mon, May 6 2024, 4:30 - 5:30pm
Testo evento

On Monday, May 6, 2024, starting at 4:30 p.m., the inauguration of the 2024 edition of the Contamination Lab will be held at the Former Military Hospital (second floor, coworking space ), Via Fabio Severo 40, Trieste.

You can register by Sunday, May 5, at this link   


- Greetings and presentation Annual Report 2023 - Prof. Rodolfo Taccani, Rector's Delegate for Technology Transfer and Business Relations

- Greetings - Ketty Segatti, Central Directorate for Labor, Training, Education, Family Autonomous Region of FVG with special charge on strategic innovation, research and university projects

- Roundtable discussion “GO BIG OR GO HOME - The tools for the internationalization of start-ups”


Angelo Baiguera, External Relations Manager | Polo del Gusto

Barbara Franchin, President of ITS Foundation

Massimiliano Guido, Advisor to the Executive Director | World Bank

Moderator Cristiano Degano, Professional journalist and president of the Order of Journalists of FVG

- Presentation of the new CLabbers

- Presentation of CLab activities - Salvatore Dore, Head of CLab UniTS

For information: 

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