Data notizia 18 April 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia The workshop "Quantum science and technology: where we are, where we are headed" and the public event "Living in a quantum world" have both been organised for 18th and 19th April at the Italian Academy of Columbia University in New York by the UniTS Physics Department.Organised on the University of Trieste's 100th anniversary, the events bear witness to the excellence achieved by the University of Trieste in the field of one of the most strategic areas of science today.The two events will feature talks by some of the leading experts in quantum subjects, and are organised by Prof. Angelo Bassi, Prof. Fabio Benatti, Prof. Alberto Morgante (Former Fellow and current member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Academy, Columbia University), Prof. Francesco Scazza and Prof. Andrea Trombettoni.In particular, the workshop open to the academic community will present innovations and the future of research in the field of quantum science and technology Quantum Science & Technology: where we are, where we are headed - qmts.The panel discussion will explore the scientific, philosophical and social implications of quantum physics and quantum technologies, and is open to the public. It will feature the reflections of Katiuscia Cassemiro, Chief Editor of PRX Quantum - American Physical Society (APS Physics), Anna Grassellino, Director of the SQMS (Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems) Center at Fermilab, Philip Kim, Professor of Physics and of Applied Physics, Harvard University and Robert Konik, Chair of the Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory. Robert Henderson, journalist for The Wall Street Journal, will moderate.The Italian Academy ( is a world-leading research centre in the humanities and sciences, founded in 1991 based on an agreement between Columbia University and the Italian Republic. Its main commitment is to promote innovative interdisciplinary studies. The Honorary President is the President of the Italian Republic.Sponsors of the two meetings are, in addition to the University of Trieste, The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), National Research Council (CNR).