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Fri, Apr 19 2024, 10am - 12:30pm
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The Upper Adriatic Centre for Technology’s Innovation Melting Pot has organised the first cycle of events dedicated to innovation, research and enterprises. The Urban Centre has been handed over to the Innovation Melting Pot by the Municipality of Trieste from 2023-2028.

On Friday 19 April 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00, at the Urban Center, in Corso Cavour 2/2, the University of Trieste’s Lab Village will be presented to the public. The iNEST SPOKE 8 project aims to promote innovation and participation through Public-Private Partnership activities in shared spaces between research, academia and business. 24 partners, including 9 universities in the North-East, participate in the iNEST (Interconnected North-East Innovation Ecosystem), financed by PNRR funds (National Recovery and Resilience Plan). By 2026 iNEST will have overseen the digital and ecological transition in the North-East’s main areas of specialisation: industrial manufacturing, agriculture, sea, mountains, construction, tourism, culture, and health and food. The activities proposed in Trieste are part of Spoke 8 (maritime, marine and inland water technologies sector) with the aim of creating a unique and dynamic ecosystem that promotes innovation and growth in the high-tech and biotech sector, with a strong focus on sustainability.

Introductory greetings will be delivered by President Valerio Pontarolo and the Director of the Upper Adriatic Centre for Technology Franco Scolari (joining remotely from NYC), the General Manager of the iNEST Consortium Luca Fabbri, the Technology Transfer Delegate of the University of Trieste Rodolfo Taccani and the Vice President of Confindustria Alto Adriatico Diego Bravar. Institutional greetings will be given by Regional Councillor Alessia Rosolen, Deputy Mayor Serena Tonel and Director Lorenzo Bandelli. Prof. Angelo Montanari Head of CC2 iNEST of the University of Udine, will explain the project alongside Prof. Pierluigi Barbieri of the University of Trieste and Diego Santaliana of the Upper Adriatic’s Centre for Technology, Pordenone.

The event is by invitation only for a specialised audience of university department heads, researchers and companies from the region interested in innovation issues and committed to sustainable development.

