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Fri, Apr 5 2024, 9am - 12pm
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FameLab 2024
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FameLab Italy makes a stop in Trieste: On Friday 5thApril 2024, at the Luttazzi Hall, there will be the local selection of FameLab, the international science communication talent show

Once again this year Trieste is one of the 12 cities that will host FameLab, the international science communication talent show: the event will be held on Friday 5th April 2024, at 9 a.m., at the Luttazzi Hall (Magazzino 26 in Porto Vecchio).

FameLab is an international contest, conceived in 2005 in Great Britain and coordinated in Italy by Psiquadro. It requires contestants to explain their research topic in just 3 minutes in a clear, engaging and comprehensible way.

To enter the competition it is necessary to pass the local selection, which in Trieste is organised by Science Centre - Immaginario Scientifico, the University of Trieste, the University of Udine, the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and the Municipality of Trieste, within the framework of the ‘Trieste City of Knowledge’ Memorandum of Understanding. The competition is organised with the collaboration of the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste and Trieste Science+Fiction Festival.

During the competition, the candidates, from the University of Trieste, University of Udine, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) and ICTP, will take turns on the stage of the Luttazzi Hall, without the aid of projections, graphics or videos: they will have at their disposal 3 minutes, a handful of words and their communicative talent, to convince the jury and the audience and convey the fascination of research.

The event is open to the public with free admission. Many high school classes will attend the competition.

The first two classified in the local selection will receive a cash prize, access to a Masterclass in Science Communication, to be held in Perugia in June, and to the National Final scheduled for autumn 2024. The winner of the local selection will also have access as auditor to a course of the Franco Prattico Master in Science Communication of SISSA in Trieste.

The winner of FameLab Italy 2024 will eventually participate in the FameLab International Final, scheduled for November, where they will face other competitors from all over the world.

For the participants, it will be an opportunity to spread their research activities, a showcase and an international meeting point, as well as a training opportunity on some of the most effective communication techniques. The audience will be able to discover a different side of science and research: the more human, fun and passionate side.