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On Friday, April 4, Sala Luttazzi (Magazzino 26, Porto Vecchio) will host the annual FameLab 2025, the international science communication talent show for master's graduates under the age of 35. The challenge is to tell in 3 minutes to an audience of non-experts a scientific topic in a clear, engaging and understandable way, without the aid of projections, graphics or videos. Only a few small props may be brought on stage.

The top two regional selection winners will receive a cash prize, gain access to an international masterclass to be held in Perugia in June, and then to the national final scheduled for late September. The winner/winner of FameLab Italy 2025, in addition to winning a cash prize, will have access to the FameLab International final, scheduled for November, where they will compete against competitors from all over the world.

To best approach the competition and hone the theatrical component of the performance, you can attend a training session to be held at Polo Giovani Toti (Via del Castello 1, Trieste) on Monday, March 24 (5:30-8:30 p.m.), by writing to

This free short training in the past has proved crucial for FameLab contestants: those who have attended it have in fact often won regional and sometimes even national selections. To register for FameLab, one must fill out the form by next Thursday, March 27. Attached is information regarding the requirements and how to participate.

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