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20 March 2024 , 4 - 6 pm
Sede evento
Aula Magna, 3°piano - Edificio A, Campus di Piazzale Europa, 1 - Trieste
Testo evento

The ‘Giacomo Ciamician’ Interdepartmental Centre for Energy, Environment and Transport, in collaboration with the Luciano Fonda University College, is organising Powering the Just Transition, an educational event open to the public that will take place on Wednesday 20th March, starting at 16:00, in the Main Hall of Building A (Piazzale Europa Campus).

In a lectio magistralis, Daniel Kammen, lecturer at the University of Berkeley and one of the world's leading experts on the topic of energy transition, will address the path towards profoundly decarbonised economies, through innovation and the interdisciplinary contribution of different fields of knowledge. 

In addressing the theory and practice of climate justice that is urgently needed to safeguard people and the planet, Kammen will cite some key examples for shaping an effective energy transition. These include how to provide healthcare in resource-limited communities and how to ensure low-cost decarbonisation.

In his career as a researcher, Kammen has published more than 450 papers, available on the website of his laboratory, the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL,, in which he has dealt predominantly with decarbonised energy systems, energy access and environmental justice.

Kammen has also been a scientific advisor to the State of California and the US federal government and led the technical committee for renewable energy and energy efficiency at the World Bank.

The lecture will be introduced by a tribute by Professor Vanni Lughi (DIA) dedicated to Maurizio Fermeglia, the Rector Emeritus of UniTS, who recently passed away. He was at the forefront with his scientific commitment and civil passion on the issues of environmental defence, climate justice and energy transition. 

Prof. Romeo Danielis (DEAMS), Professor of Transport Economics at the University of Trieste, will moderate the meeting.

