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Wed, Mar 13 2024, 2 - 3pm
Testo evento

Learn about the opportunities and initiatives of the Trasform4Europe - T4EU alliance on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Padnu Hall of the University Pole of Gorizia!

Trasform4Europe (T4EU), a European alliance in which the University of Trieste also participates, is the project of creating a European University through an Alliance of Universities.

Speakers will be Prof. Alberto Pallavicini (Rector's delegate to the T4EU project), Prof. Małgorzata Myśliwiec (University of Silesia, T4EU partner university), Silvia Agostini and Giulia Pettenuzzo (UniTS project manager of T4EU), Margherita Giordano (president of ESN Trieste).

The initiatives that T4EU addresses to students, faculty, researchers and TA staff in the areas of mobility and training through workshops, networking opportunities and collaborations will be presented.

The event will be live streamed and the poster below contains the qr code to connect.

Further information is available from the project manager Silvia Agostini ( and Giulia Pettenuzzo (
