Data notizia 7 March 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia Line 17/ timetables become more ‘student-friendly’ as Tpl FVG enhance their night service.These two important innovations have resulted from the collaboration of UniTS and Trieste Trasporti and have significantly improved the bus service for university users.‘The change in the 17/ timetable was the subject of UniTS student Chiara Capraro's degree thesis,’ explains Giovanni Longo, the university's Mobility Manager. ‘Her proposal was included in the UniTS home-to-work travel plan and now, thanks to Trieste Trasporti, it has become a reality aiding all students.Here are the new features in detail:Connections to Piazzale Europa: the new timetable for line 17/The timetable for line 17/ connecting Piazza della Libertà (Trieste Centrale train station) to Piazzale Europa has been changed. Students are advised to use lines 17 and 17/ as a priority to reach the university, leaving lines 51 and 51/ available for staff and researchers travelling to the two Area Science Park campuses of Basovizza and Padriciano.The route of Tpl Fvg's night service expandsAs requested by many students, the route of the night bus service promoted by Tpl Fvg and Trieste Trasporti with UniTS will be extended from 8th March. Another 28 stops have been added to those already active since last July: from Valmaura to via Baiamonti, from Viale Ippodromo to Piazza Perugino, from San Giacomo to Via Rossetti and Piazza dell'Ospitale. The service operates on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 22:00 to 4:00. To use the service, it is necessary to download the TSonDemand app (available for Android and iOS). The app allows you to book rides by indicating your departure stop, your destination stop and your desired time of departure. The ticket can also be purchased directly in the app at the time of booking, by credit card, Paypal or, as of a few days ago, prepaid travel card. The price of the journey is deducted when you board the bus and give your name to the driver. Each passenger can book for himself/herself and up to 19 other people. It is possible to book the service from 14 days before the ride, but the booking can also be made in real time: the earlier you book, the more likely the ride is to be available at the requested time. Documenti allegati Document Mappa servizio Notturno Document Orario Linea 17 Document Orario Linea 17/