16 February 2024 , 10:30 am - 12 pm Testo evento On Friday 16th February 2024, in the Costantinides Hall at the Civico Museo Sartorio, professor Francesco Longo of the University’s Department of Physics will hold a lecture entitled ‘The Colours and Sounds of Multi-Message Astronomy’.The lecture is being held as part of the exhibition ‘Creating with your imagination. School students put science into art’, currently displayed at the Civico Museo Sartorio (Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII, 1) until 18th February, Thursday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with free entry.The exhibition is co-organised by the Municipality of Trieste - Department for Culture and Tourism together with the Trieste section of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), as part of the national project for schools ‘Art & Science across Italy’, carried out by INFN and CERN, Geneva. The project's local partners also include the Department of Physics and the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences at the University of Trieste, the Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture and the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Physics at the University of Udine, the Science Center - Immaginario Scientifico (IS) and the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste (INAF).The exhibition brings together the works of 62 students from the third, fourth and fifth years of high schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia participating in the project (‘Enrico Galvani’ in Cordenons, ‘Dante Alighieri’ in Gorizia, ‘Gaspare Bertoni’ in Udine and Della Bassa Friulana in Cervignano del Friuli). Each work is inspired by a scientific topic directly following seminars and meetings with researchers that took place last year.On Friday 16th February at 10.30 a.m. there will be an award ceremony for the two most voted works in the exhibition, followed by a speech by Professor Francesco Longo. Allegati Document Locandina Document Poster EN