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Fri, Mar 8 2024, 6 - 8pm
Sede evento
Aula Magna, polo didattico di Gorizia, via Alviano 18
Testo evento

On Friday 8 March 2024, in the Main Hall of the Gorizia Campus, via Alviano 18, the conference ‘Women and Men: Psychology and Individual Differences’ will take place, starting at 6 pm.

This seminar is the third event of the 4th Psychology Festival in Friuli Venezia Giulia. This year’s edition, entitled ‘The New Frontiers of Psychology’, is organised by the association PsicoAttività in partnership with the University of Trieste.

The festival events take place in different locations. The event in Gorizia is focused on the alleged differences between genders, which determine different preferences in the choice of games from an early age and which are also reflected in our choices about school or work, as we grow up.

But are we really that different, and if so, why? Is it nature or culture that determines such differences? The process of sexual differentiation, which transforms the embryo into a female or male, begins with innate factors but is carried out by hormones.

We are not as certain about the causes that determine other differences, such as cognitive differences, but the most recent research shows that they have decreased significantly in recent decades, especially in countries with greater gender equity.

Introduction by 
Claudio Tonzar, scientific director of the 4th Psychology Festival in Friuli Venezia Giulia, University of Urbino;
Tiziano Agostini, full professor of psychology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste.

Invited speaker 
Valentina Piccoli, researcher in Social Psychology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste 

For more information, please write to

NOTE: attending the 4th Psychology Festival in Friuli Venezia Giulia will grant ECTS/CFU credits to students of UniTS degree courses in psychology --> REGISTRATION