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Mandatory Video Course with Test and Final Certificate

Language: Italian and English

Science Communication on new Media - (recognized within THIRD MISSION)

Data: ATTENTION! Date postponed to 11/09/2024 from 09.00 am to 1.00 pm

Aula: T_A Ground Floor (Build D)

Deadline registrations: 10/09/2024 max 148 places
Language: english

Lecturer: I. Eberini (University of Milano)

NOTE: in order to have 0,5 CFU recognized, this course needs to be taken together with two of the courses offered in the area "Ethics and communication techniques" - so you can obtain 1.5 cfu

Closed classes

English for STEM

Date: 3-4-6-10-11-17-18- 19 June from 3 to 5 pm 

Location: 3-4-6-10-11-17 June Room B (Main Building); 18 & 19 June Room M (Main Building)

Deadline registrations: 15/05/2024
Language: english

Lecturer: C. Cherubini

CFU: 2


Advanced methods for worker protection in research facilities

Date: 23/05/2024 from 2 to 6 pm & 20/06/2024 from 1 to 5 pm 

Aula Riunioni, Ospedale Maggiore, Via Gatteri 20 TRIESTE

Deadline registrations: 15/04/2024
Language: english

Lecturer: M. Marcella

CFU: 1

Academic English (1° year PhD students)

NOTICE: the lesson of 17 June is postponed to 8 July.

the lesson of 24 June is postponed to 15 July.

Date: every Monday from 22/04/2024 to 15/07/2024 - 09.00-12.00 am

Location: Aula 4A (Edificio D)
Lingua: English

Lecturer: S. Atkinson



Public speaking (recognized within THIRD MISSION)

Data: 07/05/2024 from 09.00 am to 1.00 pm Aula: Bachelet (Ed. A)

English for Research Purposes: Focus on Writing 

Data: 14/05/2024 from 09.00 am to 1.00 pm Aula: Bachelet (Ed. A)

English for Research Purposes: Focus on Spoken Communication

Deadline registrations: max 88 posti 23/03/2024
Language: Inglese

Lecturer: G. Palumbo

CFU: 1


in order to have 0,5 CFU recognized you can follow one day, but this course needs to be taken together with two of the courses offered in the area "Ethics and communication techniques" - so you can obtain 1.5 cfu

Ph.D. and the labor market (recognized within THIRD MISSION)- recommended for doctoral students from year 2°


Date: 8-10-15-22 May from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

29 May & 7 June from 10.00 to 12.00 a.m.

Language: English

Lecturer: DockTo

CFU: 2


Innovation and exploitation: from intellectual property to technology transfer

Date: 12/04/2024 from 2 to 5 pm & 19/04/2024 from 1 to 4 pm Aula: Venezian (Build. A)

Date: 23/04/2024 from 2 to 4 pm Aula 1 B (Build. H3)

Update Date: 30/04/2024 from 9 am to 1 pm via Teams (subscribers will receive the link by e-mail)
Deadline registrations: 15/03/2024
Language: english

Lecturer: C. Piani, S. Jazbar, L. Escoffier

CFU: 1,5


European Projects: how to write a successful research and innovation project proposal

Date: 15/03/2024 & 22 March
Deadline registrations: 09/03/2024
Language: English

Lecturer: L. Chessa

Room: 15/03/2024 from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm  Venzian Room(2° floor) Building A

         22/03/2024   from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm  Ciamician Room(1° floor) Building B

CFU: 1 (8 hours)


Ethics Research (recognized within THIRD MISSION)

Date: 05/03/2024
Deadline registration: 01/03/2024
Language: english

Professor: D. Ovadia

Location: Room 1B (Edificio H3)

NOTE: in order to have 0,5 CFU recognized, this course needs to be taken together with two of the courses offered in the area "Ethics and communication techniques" - so you can obtain 1.5 cfu


Power Point: presentations for communicating your research

Date: 19/03/2024 & 22 March
Deadline registrations: 15/03/2024
Language: english

Lecturer: L. Bignardi

Room: 4_INF_01 (Edificio D)

CFU: 0.5 CFU of this course can be recognized only this course is take together with one of the previous two of Section Exploitation of research results and intellectual property

Public Speaking (recognized within THIRD MISSION)

Date: 13/03/2024 from 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Registration are closed
Language: english

Professor: Donato Ramani (Ufficio Comunicazione SISSA) e Valentina Fiammetta Milan (Hangar Teatri)

Location: Aula 1_A Conferenze dell'Edificio D

NOTE: in order to have 0,5 CFU recognized, this course needs to be taken together with two of the courses offered in the area "Ethics and communication techniques" - so you can obtain 1.5 cfu


From business model to business plan

Date: 20/02/2024 & 12/03/2024
Deadline registration: 15/02/2024
Language: english

Lecturers: G.C. Piani; S. Dore

Location: Room OB (Building H3) 20/02/2024 e Room 2B (Building H3) 12/03/2024

CFU: 1

More than meets the eye: scholarly literature retrieval and library services for PhD students - SBA

Date: 1-15/02/2024
Deadline registration: 30/01/2024
Language: english

CFU: 1 -10 hours (8+2 optional) 

Preparing a scientific manuscript: the process, the correct behaviors and the unethical shortcuts

Date: 26/02/2024 & 27/02/2024
Deadline registration: 22/02/2024
Language: english

Professor: P. Fornasiero

Location: Room 2B (Building H3)

CFU: 1

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